Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture opens the office of recovering addicts
Mr. Ibrahim Sameeu, the project coordinator and in charge briefed all the activities that were conducted since its birth in March 1, 2008. He also highlighted the activities specially designed for the next year. Among them, a general survey targeted for recovering addicts and the public at large were noticeably inevitable. The office provides all sorts of books and materials beneficial for recovering addicts to stay clean.
Members of the recovering community were delighted by the support they got from high profile delegation. Their aim is to stay clean and educate others to prevent from entering into this evil addiction. One should never forget that relapse is a part of recovery cycle. You may relapse once, twice and even six times. In USA, an addict relapses twelve times on average before they recover fully. Nevertheless, bringing them back to the recovering community is important, thus Narcotics Anonymous (NA) provides solution for this. Today NA is weekly practiced here in Hulhumeedhoo initiated by the recovering addicts. Dr. Ibrahim Didi, Mr. Ilyas Ibrahim, Mr. Shafeeu and Mr. Labeeb signed in the dignitaries signing book. All encouraged the members of the foundation and advised to be engaged in doing works. Dr. Didi emphasized on the opportunities available in the field of agriculture and urged the members to work hard to become responsible citizen for the nation. View photos
11:06 AM | Posted in | Read More »
Ilyas Labeeb officially opens his campaign office in Hulhudhoo
At the other end, Dr.Afeef opened his campaign office in Meedhoo. Dr, Afeef’s office is the same building previously used by the Jumuhooree party during the first round of presidential campaign for Mr. Gasim Ibrahim. Roumers are high on the streets of Hulhumeedhoo that Dr. Afeef is contesting for the seat of Hulhumeedhoo by a Jumuhooree Party ticket, as he is a council member of the party. Nevertheless, the question of Ilyas Labeeb’s sponsor is unknown. Many accuse that he is contesting for the parliamentary seat with MDP’s backing, which is something he denies always. Mr. Ilyas Labeeb justified that he is running for parliamentary seat to represent Hulhumeedhoo people not the MDP.Contestants are likely to flock in to Hulhumeedhoo in January next year to promote their candidacy. However, the exact number of contestants running for the parliamentary election is not known, yet more are expected to join the race. Contestants who have started their campaign in Hulhumeedhoo are Mr. Ahmed Didi, Mr. Hameed, Mr.Ilyas Labeeb, Dr. Afeef and Mr. Masood Ali. Indeed this competition is not going to be easy for any of these contestants.
4:20 AM | Posted in | Read More »
Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture guarantees a sigh of relief to the people Hulhumeedhoo

The minister confirmed to the people of Hulhumeedhoo that their fish catch will no longer be dumped into the sea nor will be bought by MIFCO below the market price. “A large collector vessel will operate in this region and will be made available to accommodate all the fish catch all the whiles throughout Addu and Fuvahmulah,” confirmed the newly selected minister, Dr. Ibrahim Didi. He also affirmed to the people that two of the four cannery lines at Felivaru will be shifted to Hithadhoo fish processing plant due to be developed in the near future. “We will facilitate ways to make Felivaru products available in Addu at the same price as they are sold in Fasmeeru in Male’,” stated the minister. This means that during days of poor or no fish catch, Hulhumeedhoo people will have access to cheap fish cannery products within the island from the proposed STO shopping center.
Farmers were delighted as the minister assured to them that within a week’s time he would personally lend a hand in making a road to the east of Hulhumeedhoo where farms are booming. This would certainly pave way for bringing electricity to the firm fields, a much-awaited facility by farmers for ages since agriculture began in Hulhumeedhoo. “Fertilizers and other products will be available at the same price as in Male’,”” assured the minister. He confirmed to the people that the construction of a STO shopping center will commence soon, and urged the audience to find a suitable place for selling STO goods temporarily. The delighted Hulhumeedhooans immediately pointed there finger at old Health Center and suggested the place as the most viable and easily accessible point for both the islands. The minister in his speech signified the need for commemorating the Farmers Day but did not mention a particular day to be marked as the farmer’s day.
After the meeting, the minister visited Hera to observe the newly dredged channel between Meedhoo and Hera. “Though this has little connection to our ministry, we will consider helping you by directing your urge to the respective authorities in the government,” suggested the minister. As expectation for growth is surging in the blood of Hulhumeedhooans, opportunity for reef fishery different sorts of fishery is also expected to blossom. View Photos
4:20 AM | Posted in | Read More »
Another disputable channel excavated in Meedhoo

However, the island chief Mr. Abdulla Rasheed officially executed the opening ceremony of dredging. Abdulla Rasheed is an instrumental figure in the development of Meedhoo. He works side by side with public’s sentiment, thereby deservedly holds a higher position in the community.
“In a near future this channel will become the main gateway for our fellow brothers and sisters of Fuvahmulah to enter into the Addu territory safely and quickly” Abdulla Ibrahim Didi excited. He justified that Fuvahmulah people will save huge sum of money on fuel expenses thereby reducing their travel time by thirty minutes. “On the other hand reef fishery will boom, erosion will be reduced and our lagoons will become clear like before,” he added. The northeast area behind Sunset and Wish Point Restaurent is almost dead. Few sea creatures survive in this particular area. The ocean current flows hardly thereby stopping the growth of algae and other plankton, which are the primary need for marine growth. As a result a foully smell preoccupies the region.
However, none did mention the foreseeable consequences of dredging such a channel now. The islands were separate before and reclaiming the land to join them had changed the environment dramatically. Critics say once the channel is dredged, the pressure made by huge waves from open sea will force the sand banks to accumulate into the harbor. They claim this could become disastrous for the existence of the harbour.
Two influential factions of the society disregarded their by political interests, are at the apple of discord. Despite, it had become a “must-go-and-watch” channel for the evening out goers of both Hulhudhoo and Meedhoo. According to the reliable sources, more than one thousand people had visited the area to see the channel and flow of ocean current yesterday alone. This could also be the beginning of attaining a reality to make a resort at Hera, something every single Meedhooans dreams of. View Photos
3:15 AM | Posted in | Read More »
Could the present sea wall projects in Hulhumeedhoo succeed before the strikes of Mother Nature?
Easy flow of water current is almost impossible around Hulhumeedhoo. “Pre Hulhudhoo-Herathera reclamation until late 1980s the lagoon was very beautiful and crystal clear,” stated Ali. It is the case with Meedhoo-Hera. Though the private cost of such a move had less impact on people in Hulhudhoo side, the social cost of it becomes astonishingly high in places close to the main two restaurants in Meedhoo.
12:35 AM | Posted in | Read More »
FC Challengers of Hithadhoo becomes the Champion of AMMSC for the second consecutive time.

At the end of full time both the teams managed to find each others net just one time. National team players and first division players were marked to zero, however Bonda managed to score once in the first half. Their victory was neutralized when the silent and calm yet brainy marker of FMD Siman scored in the second half. He was instrumental in stopping the violent and vibrant Hithadhoo players. FMD swipper Ali Nazeer, who played inevitably influential role in the FMD defense, was second to none in the final match yesterday.

The champion FC Challengers were awarded the trophy and cash prize of Mrf25,000. Runner-up of the match were awarded a trophy and cash prize worth Mrf10,000. Man of the match was Ali Nazeer of FMD where as Bonda became the man of the tournament and the top scorer with 24 goals. Munnim of FMD deservedly won the certificate for best goal keeping. Thallihi FC became the fair play team and its captain Ali Mohamed the fair player of the tournament.A children eve is also scheduled in the “WakeUp” HSC Festival 2008. According to the reliable sources within HSC the event will be held on Friday evening. The five day workshop for parents conducted by Ministry of youth ended last night. Some twenty five parents were recorded to have attended the seminar which was actually targeted for thirty parents. View Photos
12:34 PM | Posted in | Read More »
FMD through to the finals

3:06 AM | Posted in | Read More »
FC Challengers enters into the final of AMMSC 08
9:37 PM | Posted in | Read More »
Villa Education Fair ends in Hulhumeedhoo

10:15 AM | Posted in | Read More »
Religious preaching event of “WakeUp” HSC Festival 2008

“Weakening of our faith is largely responsible for many children's going astray,” Dr.Majeed said. He emphasized on parents to care their children and find out the whereabouts of their children always. According to him, it was derived that children these days get more free time on

1:50 AM | Posted in | Read More »
HSC Festival returns home

According to HSC press release yesterday, major six events or activities are included in the festival. Apart from AMMSC 08, which began today, an island wide antidrug campaign will be held in association with NNCB to prevent fresh entry to alcohol and drugs abuse. They also aimed programs to rehabilitate the vast community of heroin addicts in Hulhumeedhoo. Ministry of youth (then) will conduct a parental awareness program where as the newly established Minitry of Islamic affairs will conduct religious awareness programs to strengthen the Islamic faith. In addition, an open day by Villa College will be held to introduce the opportunities of various courses available at Villa College. The closing of the festival will follow a community day for all.
HSC festival always brings new life to Hulhumeedhoo. People from all ages come down to Hulhudhoo towards this season. This year an estimated number of 200 people have arrived island for the festival. If this trend is maintained annually like before then surely we will see better changes to the island. View Photos
10:52 PM | Posted in | Read More »
Hulhumeedhoo adopts a different way to welcome Eid

Vazooka is a specially designed gun that produces a loud noise like that of rocket launchers. When fired its voice reach all four corners of Hulhudhoo. Dozens of Vazooka are made for this year’s Eid and all will be set on fire nightlong. Eventhough many dislike this activity, few are supportive of this and keep cheering for their bravery.
Like all the special occasions, local parade was conducted by Hulhudhoo youth to celebrate coming of eid. This is the only activity people never fed up watching. On the main streets of Hulhumeedhoo, people flocked to watch it. It is so unique for the dresses they wore, makeup, equipments they use and the funny commands made by chief. View Photos
Two different activities to mark one thing are two BIG extremes. Much of the youth enjoy firing Vazooka, while public loves the local parade. Finding reconciliation to these conflicting interests of activities carried out by the same youth is far from insight. Police has several times requested the youth to stop firing Vazook as public complaints are on rise. However, they find it enjoying if police try to stop them. “We want police to chase us”, a Vazooka operator said.
Beliefs of the youth are so weird that they see things disrespected before good today. On special occasions like this, if one of the youth becomes a victim of these dangerous firing who would be responsible? We all should advice youth to do whatever they do within the limited boundary of independence. Once you break it your liable for charges by the law. Therefore it’s our responsibility to protect our youth from going astray, while trying to amuse the public on these kind of occasions. Eid Mubarak.
1:45 AM | Posted in | Read More »
Opening of a tourist resort in Addu becoming a menace to the society!

Hulhumeedhoo and Hulhudhoo in particular is one of the black listed islands in the National Narcotics Control Board for illegal drug abuse. There is abundance of drug addicts in the society and they found the resort few steps from Hulhudhoo as an opportunity for them to stay “high” always. Most of the heroin addicts started getting soft drugs with the help of their companions based at Herathera secretly and in small quantity frequently. Studies show that the consumption of drinks is 6 out of every 10 working employees of the resort at Herathera.
However this partying phenomenon has now reached to an unpredictable level in Hulhumeedhoo particularly among the teenage community. There are confirmed reports saying that drinks are served in some of the restaurants in Hulhumeedhoo. Children as young as 12 years old are involved in these sorts of sinful parties, now regarded as a fashion among the youth. There are rumors of some middle aged men from both the islands having started consuming drinks. Certainly there are people but how many and which sorts of drinks they get from the resort are yet to be examined.
One would surely wonder how on earth the trouble-free passage of drinks from the nearby resort is possible. Post J Resorts management the consumption of drinks within the resort at Herathera and its free availability in Hulhumeedhoo were considerably low than its today. Many point their finger at the top management for weakening the control of drinks. They also accuse the drinking behavior of some of the management staff for the spread of drinks into the resort and to the nearby Hulhumeedhoo. If appropriate actions were not taken as quickly as possible then we would surely see the entire Hulhumeedhoo community submerge into a pool of bakardi!
2:14 PM | Posted in | Read More »
Does the cost of migration compensate the benefits of academic excellence?
Hulhumeedhoo is always renowned in the country as home for professionals. From religious scholars and doctors from all fields of medicine to influential politician and engineers of all sorts, Hulhumeedhoo holds a very high position in the nation in terms of human resources. During 1980s until late 1990s many of the families migrated from Hulhumeedhoo to Male’ to provide better education for their children. Many managed to emerge to the nation as creams while few went astray. Despite all, does the departure for better & higher studies to Male’ or elsewhere in the world compensate the cost of migration.
We learned from the pictures to the right that all the families who deserted their homes for a better future for their children are due to pay a higher cost for the reconstruction of their homes. These devastations could be looked in a different angle politically. Under Gayyoom’s regime right from lower level of human needs to higher level of hierarchy could only be achieved if a family decides to desert their native land and fit into a 10/15 feet box in Male’ at an unreasonable price. People were left with no choice but to desert their home, relatives and neighbors and migrated to Male’.
Poor health services were one of the major factors that affected the 60% Hulhumeedhoo population leave their homeland that has a population of almost 6000 people. This is quite a higher number and even more than the whole population of some of the atolls in the country. Hulhumeedhoo Health Center could not provide some of the basic medical services although it fits into the category of a Hospital like Hithadhoo Regional Hospital, given the number of population and the OPD patients. Consequently, we have to bear huge costs associated with getting a single X-Ray to minor scans from Hithadhoo.
Now after all these facts are justifiable in favour of migration to Male’, do those migrants have “no duty of care” for their homes and native island? Once upon a time you were born to Hulhudhoo, do not really make you a Hulhudhooan unless you love its soil. So why would you leave your home get destroyed to debris? All over Hulhudhoo in particular devastation and signs of desertion is high for those who migrated to Male’ feel they will never have to come back their home. We kindly plea those migrants to at least erect their destroyed homes as it would certainly bring life to the island.
1:58 AM | Posted in | Read More »
Is MDP led administration trying to reconcile the bills of presidential campaign?

When some of the MDP MPs are consistently fighting in the parliament to justify their course for the proposed bill majority of the nation are raising their voice against it. They accuse the government for trying to find a safer heaven for resort owners who support MDP led administration financially and managerially. Ruling of such a bill would certainly abandon any opportunity for majority of the nation to benefit from the tourism sector, which has become the backbone of the economy since 1972. Economists are skeptical of the proposed bill as it may trigger economic downturn. They say this bill would facilitate the riches get richer and richer.

11:42 AM | Posted in | Read More »
Decentralization becoming a question of regional superiority
Some people of Fuvahmulak are suspicious of their population becoming vulnerable before Addu if they agree on government’s plan to become partners in development with the people of Addu. They think Addu being so populous in the nation, minority’s voice will not reach out to the main government. However, Fuvahmulak’s appeal for the government then and now to develop an international airport and a commercial docking port could be disastrous for the atoll in future. At a time when the government is running with billions of rufiyaa’s deficit budget, how rational are Fuvahmulak’s dream to develop an international airport. Questions regarding the feasibility of such a project show shear depression.
Economically Fuvahmulak will benefit from the proposed infrastructure in the short run. However as the population grow over the ages shortage of land could become fatal for them. Reclamation of their sea is limited and almost impossible. Any effort to settle down in the center of the atoll might not work out due to lower level of ground. According to various sources it would have been better had Fuvahmulak people demanded for a seaplane between Gan and Fuvahmulak. Developing and maintaining an airport will incur greater cost than going for a seaplane with limited staff in it. A cargo carrier should have been scheduled to carry goods from regional dock in Hithadhoo to Fuvahmulak. Certainly half the proposed government expenditure would be reduced.
If the government pursue with the proposed projects by Fuvahmulak, which do have viable alternatives, will increase the pressure on the ruling party to provide same facilities to all the islands or atolls that have similar difficulties. Now the question is how many big islands or atolls are waiting for the same facilities from the government.
2:58 AM | Posted in | Read More »
The fight for the BIG seat

According to reliable sources more than fifteen candidates are fighting for the seat of Hulhumeedhoo. One would wonder where all have these candidates emerged suddenly. Candidates who never said a word post Anni-regime are now trying to falsify the history of politicians in Hulhumeedhoo. Since our childhood we have been seeing Mr. Ahmed Didi (Sandhaan Ahamma) criticizing the government for personal hatred to politically driven motives. Does he deserve the seat for Hulhumeedhoo? Many think yes while much of the younger generation is skeptical of his self-centered attitudes. They say he very often changes his political direction when there is a conflict of interest in the leadership of the party he resides. On the other hand, few candidates have a good track records of criticizing the Gayyoom led administration in the coffee shops and restaurants in Male’ or elsewhere in the country. Some have never been found saying a word against Gayyoom’s brutal regime, yet started flocking on the streets of Hulhudhoo.
Now the problem for any of these candidates would be the affirmation of their investment on campaign would really worth? Candidates are from high profile families of the island and are ready to spend thousands of money to grab most votes. Approximately 1900 and 700 votes from Hulhudhoo and Meedhoo respectively and almost 15 or more likely candidates would split the islands dramatically. None of the candidates shall win more than 200 votes if this is going to be the scenario. Our fellow brothers and sisters from Meedhoo side are a good example of unity. They are united behind their island personal Dr.Afeef which means easier passage for Afeef to win the seat. There are reports of Mr. Moosa Fathuhy withdrawing his name to make Dr.Afeef’s journey easy and less volatile.
For Hulhumeedhooans this is just the beginning of a new era of opportunities. First time one of our brothers is directly going to represent our islands. The question is who would be that person, how much he knows about the problems in our community and how well he could address to these issues in the parliament. As parliamentary elections gets closer more and more disguised candidates are due to appear.
1:51 PM | Posted in | Read More »
Drug's victimizing the society while the state is still fast asleep!!

11:58 PM | Posted in | Read More »
Need for better health facilities is failing to coincide with the newer structure!
Few things have changed certainly. Patients find the new structure spacious, clean and free of congestion. However little or no improvements have come to the quality of services provided despite vague promises by the ex-Health Minister Mr.Ilyas Ibrahim. With a single doctor on duty, dozens of patients in ward and ever-increasing number of OPD patients, managing the center apart from the limited services they provide, is in a big mess.
The policies of the government are largely to blame for the medical failures and preventable fatalities the center went through since its initial opening some eighteen years ago. Poor health facilities, fewer stock, damaged equipments and inexperienced doctors made the Hulhumeedhoo community search for better health care, which resulted in the mass immigration of people from both the islands in the 1990s. However, records of the past 10 years show that Hulhumeedhoo Health Center is qualified to move from the present category to Hospital Level. “We achieved the benchmark set out by the Department of Medical Services for health centers halfway through the year,” Ms. Aminath Mohamed Didi said. She stated that Hulhumeedhoo health center is now ready to be upgraded to an atoll hospital considering the surging number of OPDs in the last three years.
Despite all these facts government was negligent about the soaring condition in Hulhumeedhoo. On several occasions at different level, Hulhumeedhooans have raised their voice to the designated authorities duly. So far, nothing has been done to improve the services of the center other than shifting the existing building to a different occasion.
Today we hope our voices would reach the newly elected government and put an end to the soaring health care or facilitate better services to the ease the detrimental situation in Hulhumeedhoo Health Center. The healthier the nation the wealthier it could become!
2:09 AM | Posted in | Read More »
Major constrution projects underway in Hulhumeedhoo
Island Express of Hulhudhoo won the race both the times and has successfully accomplished the two phases in time. The General Manager of Island Express Mr. Rilwan has confirmed the completion of the second phase last week. At the other end of Hulhumeedhoo, Shazum Investment Pvt Ltd has completed their first phase of constructing the sea wall at northeast of Meedhoo. On invitation for the bids on remaining phases , Shazum Investment has already won their bid for second phase and entered into contract with Meedhoo Office, Island Express is highly likely to win the final phase of southeast seawall of Hulhudhoo.
However, speculations are high on the streets of Hulhumeedhoo regarding the credibility of the walls against tidal waves that kept washing away the coastal areas of these regions. Many believe once the channel between Hulhudhoo and J Resorts Handufushi is complete, the pressure caused by the current of these destructive waves to the southeast coast of Hulhudhoo will become weak. View Photos
5:29 AM | Posted in | Read More »
Much awaited changes to the heads of NSS and MNDP
Many Politicians accuse Adam Zahir as the instigator of drug trafficking and gang fights on the streets of capital and elsewhere in the country. Special Advisor to the president Dr. Hassan Saeed during his campaign for presidency this year has accused him on several occasions for corruption and alleged criminal activity. Foreign minister Ahmed Nasheed then and now believes much of the decisions made by Gayyoom were after consultation with Adam Zahir in affirmation Gayyoom’s prolonged colonialism. However nation as a whole have an aversion to Adam Zahir for the atrocities that came about in the jails of Maafushi and Dhoonidhoo.
As new government is still gearing up for the administration of the country, scapegoats are less likely to stay in the government for charges of corruption and bribe.
7:00 PM | Posted in | Read More »
30 years of ruling in vein...Drugs speak!!

12:38 AM | Posted in | Read More »
Peoples' Party registration under scrutiny!
3:49 AM | Posted in | Read More »
Grand party to seal off the Iththihaad success in Hulhumeedhoo ends
This time Iththihaad campaign leadership in Hulhumeedhoo decided that the grand party to seal off the success for Iththihaad in the presidential election should be made something different. Chicken Biriaani and Parota with Bodibaiy as a side dish were served at the party. "We prepared food for this special occasion to serve approximately 1200 people" Amjad stated.

Organizers of the party thankfully appreciated the people of Hulhumeedhoo for tirelessly withstanding their foot to stand against dictatorship and unjust during Maumoon's administration. Now, after all these years of suffering, could the new administration bring harmony and happiness to the people who ousted Maumoon for apartheid and corruption! View Photos
1:32 AM | Posted in | Read More »
Presidend Nasheed appoints state ministers and Adivsors
Apart from that Vice Ministers were appointed for different ministries. They are Dr.Mohamed Shareef and Shifa Mohamed for the ministry of Housing, Transport and Environment and ministry of Education respectively.
We hope the ministries and other institutions will start functioning very soon in oder to achieve the five promises that our president made to win this election.
4:36 PM | Posted in | Read More »
Burglary and vandalism on rise in Hulhumeedhoo
A large warehouse of Seven Three, owned and managed by Mr. Azeez, is the latest retail business which became the victim of continuing series of burglaries in Hulhumeedhoo. The warehouse is situated east of the Seven Three shop and the owners felt secure enough by keeping a security guard at the west of the shop. At the time of incident security personal was present. However the thieves were on action at the store behind the shop, made the security unaware of their movements.
A screw driver is believed to have been used by the thieves to break in to the store. “Thieves used this screw driver to break the hollow cement bricks and made an opening (2x3ft).” an eyewitness of the first scenes in the morning stated. As the walls were not plastered by cement thieves faced no difficulties in breaking the blocks.
Roumers about the goods stolen from the store is spreading around the island. Some say five iron rods and unidentified amount of timber woods and an Mrf3,500 worth of Socket box were stolen. Yet no official wording from the owner of the shop, confirming the stolen goods has come. Analysts say this burglary would cost the owner approximately Mrf50,000.
Damages to the shop wood cost at least Mrf10,000 but loss of any goods is unknown. One would wonder why such a huge social unrest is overwhelmingly on rise here in Hulhumeedhoo. The truth lies in the problem itself. DRUGS! Drugs are the perpetrator of all these burglaries in our island. We all shall stand together to eradicate this epidemic from our society rather than financing the addict for our private benefit or satisfaction. View Photos
4:54 PM | Posted in | Read More »
Mohamed Nasheed's Cabinet sworn in today
The new cabinet is Minister of Home Affairs Qasim Ibrahim, Minister of Finance and Treasury Ali Hashim, Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, Minister of Health and Family Dr. Aminath Jameel, Minister of Defence and National Security Amin Faisal, Minister of Education Dr. Mustafa Lutfi, Attorney-General Diyana Saeed, Minister of Economic Development Mohamed Rasheed, Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Dr. Ahmed Ali Sawad, Minister of Human Resources, Youth and Sports Hassan Latheef, Minister of Housing, Transport and Environment Mohamed Aslam, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Dr. Ibrahim Didi, Minister of Civil Aviation and Communication Dr. Mohamed Jameel Ahmed, Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Abdul Majeed Abdul Bari.
10:38 PM | Posted in | Read More »
Congratulation to H.E Mr. Mohamed Nasheed- The President
With the election of Mohamed Nasheed as the new president hopes and dreams for the future started to blossom. As we know the FIVE promises he made to the nation could undoubtedly serve the country to reach higher grounds. His transportation policy would definitely benefit the people socially and financially. Easy and cheap passage for people to move from one island to the other and one atoll to the other means movement of technical expertise, diversification of cultural activities, strengthening of islamic brotherhood etc. Promising a cheap housing policy for all the Maldivian is the best this government has declared in its manifesto. This would surely reduce the burden on low income earners to own a house or a flat. It would also help reduce family problems associated with living two to three families in a single house. Mohamed Nasheed's promise to bring all the people above 65 years under a pension scheme is awesome. This is something we had dreamed long before for our mothers and fathers who did fishing to all odd works to educate and make us responsible citizens for the nation. His governments another promise to reduce prices of all sorts of household items is inevitable. Almost 60% of the income today is spent on general household items, raising the cost of living to an unimaginable height. Today 80% of our working population is relying on the part time job, to pay for the rising cost of goods, to keep their families alive. Eliminating the gate ways opend for illegal drug traffiking is indeed the most important and urgent measure to be taken to bolster the weakening social morale in the country. Their last promise to facilitate free or cheap medication to all the people is worth 100 times the benefit we get from developing tourism. We need better health facilities, free diagnostic and operations arrangements within our locality or country at least. For major treatments welfare will be geared up for financing the needy. The healthier the population of the country the wealthier the nation could become.
Five promises, fourteen ministries, five years term could someone imagine the realization of a better days? The answer is obviously yes, but the government should be made responsible by the people, as this is a people's government. We wish very best of luck to the new government and guarantees that Mohamed Nasheed will keep his MDP Iththihaad promise to hold a mid-term election. With H.E Mr.Mohamed Nasheed and his cabinet Hulhumeedhoo will sail the country towards success in every aspect of development.
1:52 AM | Posted in | Read More »
New Cabinet Announced

The following are the ministries and name of the ministers selected by MDP coalition government respectively.
Minister of Home Affairs: Qasim Ibrahim
Minister of Finance and Treasury: Ali Hashim
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Dr. Ahmed Shaheed
Minister of Health and Family: Dr. Aminath Jameel
Minister of Defence and National Security: Amin Faisal
Minister of Education: Dr. Mustafa Lutfi
Attorney-General: Diyana Saeed
Minister of Economic Development: Mohamed Rasheed
Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture: Dr. Ahmed Ali Sawad
Minister of Human Resources, Youth and Sports: Hassan Latheef
Minister of Housing, Transport and Environment: Mohamed Aslam
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries: Dr. Ibrahim Didi
Minister of Civil Aviation and Communication: Dr. Mohamed Jameel Ahmed
Minister of Islamic Affairs: Dr. Abdul Majeed Abdul Bari
We very proudly like to bring to the attention of our readers that the political face of the country has rejuvenated with young and dynamic leaders in all the fields of national interest
8:13 PM | Posted in | Read More »
Hulhudhoo Dawns to Deadly Property Losses to Individuals & Businesses

The owner of 1.3 million rufiyaa worth Jeeps regrets badly over the injuries to his brother in law and admits incident could have been the result of a personal matter, however he at a latter time came on television saying it as a politically motivated act.

Apart from the incident happend in Meedhoo side, 3 retail shops were robbed the same night. Around nine in the night Finifenmaa Store was burgled. According to Mr. Solih an O2 phone, a digital camera and wallet of Mrs. Solih was stolen. "The number of goods stolen from the shop is not know" Mr. Solih stated. However some people suggest an estimated amount of goods worth of Mrf1,500 was stolen. Daisy Store was robbed by breaking the door lock with a iron rod. The owner of two dhonis and shop, Mr. Hussain Mohamed, said an amount not less than Mrf 2,500 was missing from the cash drawer. Loss of any goods is yet to confirm. Another shop which became the home for the thieves were 'Hassan Azeezuge Fihaara'. We found that the same iron rod and techniques were used to break the door in these two shops. "3 cases of Noodles, 2 dozen Splash Cologne, a Basmathi rice bag, 1kg Milo tin and a tooth paste were stolen as far as my calculation is concerned" Hassan Azeez confirmed.
These incidents brought real shock to the peace loving Hulhumeedhuans and are deeply sympathetic to Mr. Mohamed Haleem who got 35% of his body burned while trying to save a Jeep. We strongly urge the government to try as much as they can to protect private properties and lives. We also like to bring to the attention of the police the importance of keeping a Fire section of the police in Hulhumeedhoo. We are sympathetic of the people and business affected and we ask for patience at this time of grief.
7:40 PM | Posted in | Read More »
Hulhumeedhoo Ignights Coalition Spirit
On this day of Iththihaadhu rally an estimated number of 1500 people from Hulhumeedhoo participated, while as many as 14 vehicles and not less than 100 motor cycles were used. More and more people started visiting Iththihaadhu campaign offices to watch live VTV presentations on big screens located at three different locations in Hulhumeedhoo. View Photos.
3:50 PM | Posted in | Read More »
Dhen Fudhijje!!!

5:37 AM | Posted in | Read More »