Hulhumeedhoo adopts a different way to welcome Eid

Vazooka is a specially designed gun that produces a loud noise like that of rocket launchers. When fired its voice reach all four corners of Hulhudhoo. Dozens of Vazooka are made for this year’s Eid and all will be set on fire nightlong. Eventhough many dislike this activity, few are supportive of this and keep cheering for their bravery.
Like all the special occasions, local parade was conducted by Hulhudhoo youth to celebrate coming of eid. This is the only activity people never fed up watching. On the main streets of Hulhumeedhoo, people flocked to watch it. It is so unique for the dresses they wore, makeup, equipments they use and the funny commands made by chief. View Photos
Two different activities to mark one thing are two BIG extremes. Much of the youth enjoy firing Vazooka, while public loves the local parade. Finding reconciliation to these conflicting interests of activities carried out by the same youth is far from insight. Police has several times requested the youth to stop firing Vazook as public complaints are on rise. However, they find it enjoying if police try to stop them. “We want police to chase us”, a Vazooka operator said.
Beliefs of the youth are so weird that they see things disrespected before good today. On special occasions like this, if one of the youth becomes a victim of these dangerous firing who would be responsible? We all should advice youth to do whatever they do within the limited boundary of independence. Once you break it your liable for charges by the law. Therefore it’s our responsibility to protect our youth from going astray, while trying to amuse the public on these kind of occasions. Eid Mubarak.

can bring us news about HSC festival tht is going on
updates will follow shortly
Thanks for bringing this to us. Although Vazooka is sort of "dangerous" I kind of enjoyed it always. The problem is in our societies, the Island authorities do not do anything to celebrate these very important occasion. Because of this our youth do it the way they like it. Well, I would says its not too bad...At least they are doing something to keep them happy on this glorious day. Eid Mubarik to you all guys
-Hulhudhoo Goleyah-
thanks for the editor bring news about hulhudhoo. eventhough its bit dangerous they are doing it for the sake of enjoying and making people happy on this special occaasion. this shows their bravery and creativeness.