The fight for the BIG seat

According to reliable sources more than fifteen candidates are fighting for the seat of Hulhumeedhoo. One would wonder where all have these candidates emerged suddenly. Candidates who never said a word post Anni-regime are now trying to falsify the history of politicians in Hulhumeedhoo. Since our childhood we have been seeing Mr. Ahmed Didi (Sandhaan Ahamma) criticizing the government for personal hatred to politically driven motives. Does he deserve the seat for Hulhumeedhoo? Many think yes while much of the younger generation is skeptical of his self-centered attitudes. They say he very often changes his political direction when there is a conflict of interest in the leadership of the party he resides. On the other hand, few candidates have a good track records of criticizing the Gayyoom led administration in the coffee shops and restaurants in Male’ or elsewhere in the country. Some have never been found saying a word against Gayyoom’s brutal regime, yet started flocking on the streets of Hulhudhoo.
Now the problem for any of these candidates would be the affirmation of their investment on campaign would really worth? Candidates are from high profile families of the island and are ready to spend thousands of money to grab most votes. Approximately 1900 and 700 votes from Hulhudhoo and Meedhoo respectively and almost 15 or more likely candidates would split the islands dramatically. None of the candidates shall win more than 200 votes if this is going to be the scenario. Our fellow brothers and sisters from Meedhoo side are a good example of unity. They are united behind their island personal Dr.Afeef which means easier passage for Afeef to win the seat. There are reports of Mr. Moosa Fathuhy withdrawing his name to make Dr.Afeef’s journey easy and less volatile.
For Hulhumeedhooans this is just the beginning of a new era of opportunities. First time one of our brothers is directly going to represent our islands. The question is who would be that person, how much he knows about the problems in our community and how well he could address to these issues in the parliament. As parliamentary elections gets closer more and more disguised candidates are due to appear.

DR.Afee akee Maumoon gey Sarukaaruga Prop ey gotha vidi geyn hurey, eyhenas Timaa meehaa beynun vaa Magaamu nulibumun Sarukaaru Vazeefaa dhooko gos Dhivehiraajeygey Gaaroon(Gasim) Fahthu eyligeyn Uley Amila eydhumun Foveyfaa Vaa meehy. Sandaan Ahamed didi vey Mizamaanaka Nufethy, Vaahak deykumuga Leymacha daa hen heevey. eyhn kamun mifaharu Huludhoo Meedhoo egy Godiya Hovan jehyny raiyathun gey adu ahaa Raiyathun gey Member, Vaahakdeykun teri kan hureyfa Zuvaan Beyfulaka vaan jehy ney, Vaki meehey gey.
Adu ivey gothun Meedhoo Hussin Rasheed Veys eyba kurimathi laa, eyhenas mee eynaya noonekey buna jehy ney faharey, eymeehunakee kiriyaaves baaarey libijeyaa eygey Naajaiz faidaa nagaaney baey, eygey eyme reethi mislaalake eyna gey Beye mohamed Rasheed School hingi iru kantha kuri goy, eygeyn eytah hamanujehumey higaafai vaakan hadaan kuran jehy ney. Huludhoomeehun mikan thaka anikan Visnan Jeheyney. eyhn kamun Aharumena Hiyaanateri veyfaivaa eyves meehaku mifaharu eyves gothak furusathu dheegeyn nuvany
if from meedhoo side they can unite, why cant we from hulhudhoo side? if we hulhudhuans can unite and bring forth one candidate, its more like tht person will be elected. because from hulhudhoo side there are more people than meedhoo. if meedoo people have the attitude of being elected their side candidate rather than the most eligible candidate, i call upon hulhudhoo people to think and this and try to bring one candidate for the contest.
i would appreciate it if u bring us the names of people who are going to contest from Hulhudhoo side.
-from Hulhudu: Haadhy, Hameed (Hazash), Ahmed Didi and Masood..these are known people..Meedhu; Afeef, Hussain Rasheed, Moosa and Jamaal. I dont think Moosa wil suport Afeef, if at all he will support Masood (they are cousins)
Due to the high number of contestants who are going to be fighting the election, two things are obvious. Firstly, some of them are after the huge sum of money they'd get as a salary. The rest might either be speaking for the people or for Anni. Whichever it is, for us who would be voting in this election, we have to be really careful. As the article highlights many of the names are heard for the first time in the political-sphere of the Maldives. So please chose wisely and carefully as we did, in October when we got rid of Golhaabo.
A citizen of Hulhudhoo, who unfortunately lives abroad.
i knw Mr. haady very well. He was my mentor. He used to be the head master of Huludhoo School. At that time there was no english medium school in addu atoll. He built the school himself.
A Very well respected and a good speaker.
Azaa : Miah vure maa ragalheh nun mirashuga thibi mahaa choaru bodethi vagun naa hakuruboa kuththaa thah rashun beyru aruvaa levey thoa gadha alhaa massakaiy kureeyaa / Dhonalibey