Drug's victimizing the society while the state is still fast asleep!!

The preceding month is seeing as a revolt of last month's presidential election. As seen in the picture to the right, four brothers fought each other and Shiraf Mohamed got badly injured with a cutter blade while another got his scalp fracture. Reports confirmed drugs being the crux of the problem.
These people were good from the time we started to know them. Ilyas Fuvad is one of the best football palayers Hulhudhoo has ever seen. His dribbling skills were practised by the younger generations. One could never believe he might caomeacross such a bad turning point in his career. He was believed to be introduced to drugs in 1990s when dozens of Hulhudhooans were being hooked by the same evil. Government did nothing to stop spreading the epidemic across the island where the island was once renouned as the education city in the country.
Hence we call on the government authorities to close the doors which was opened for drugs entry in the last three decades. We also like to bring to the kind attention of the state at large that Hulhudhoo is the worst drug hit island in the country and if no actions are taken to stop drug supply, the fear of becoming Hulhudhoo a desert is not far away.

Mee vara Hithaama huri kantha, mikahala kantha ranagalu kuran Hurihaa Zuvaanun nikume eyba jehy masaka kuran. Eyhen kamun Huludhoo gey eymehaa zuvaanuna govalan beynun vany Masthuvaa thakethin salaam veyfaivaa Mujuthamaka Huludhoo heydhunma thaklaa Eymeh athukuri Olaigen masaka fashamaa higashy
(Huludhoo Gey Zuvaany)
This fucker is bloody rober and druger...we dont care batter if he dies
Mivagu dragu nagaa luchchaa kaleyge
maruvi nama maaragu vees..mikaleyge police reportah balaa iru eyge kuree hafuthaaga hulhudhoo ethakeh fihaara thakaa gethah falhaa laafa vey..adhi meenage baiverin nah ves mikala gotheh medhuverikurravaa dhey ve
a sad news to hear! actually he was seemed as a very skillfull and telented guy when when he was in good condition. like him, many educated and telented guy in hulhudhoo turned to this drug addiction. its time we all hulhudhuan join together and do needful them to come back normal life.
Azaa Rashu ga Huregen Igthimaa ey Mi maska fasha veenun, harumena Devunu Eyheeterikamey Mikamuga vedynam.
Miaharu Huludhoo a Balaa iru Mi zuvaan Jeelugey 75% Kairi kuraa minvarak Vany Masthuvaa Zaathu eyki baavaybaavathugey Eychyhi Beynun Kurumugey Sababun Huludhoo egy Kuri eyruma Huras eylifa. Eyhn kamun mee Rashu levelga Visnaigeyn Eynmehaa Lobuvethi ahunaa Ahuthun athukuri Olaalafa Slamavaan Miney Masakay kuran jehiyfa vaa Bodu vabaaey, Tharagee gey konmey Mashroooey gey Rashugey Aguvetidaa konmey faharakumey fenamun dnay amaluvaa zaathugey Vabaaga jehigeyn Veeraana vanmun daa baey. Mikamuga Huludhoo ey Gina Zuvaanun Reethi DhiriulunGeyli Veeraanaa veyfaa vaakamee miadhu aharumen nihaayatha Hithaama kuraa kamey.
Huludhoo gey konmey dariyakumey miakamuga miney masakatey kodhinumee Huludhoo a Heyo eydhee Huludhoo gey Darigey Haisiyathun alugandhu miadhu eydheyney Vara Bodu eydhumey. Alugadakee Umurun 13 aharun feshigen Rashugai ulumugey Naseebu libifai nuvaa ehynas Huludhoo a takaa nihaayatha Fahuru veri vaa Huludhoo gey Dariyakeemu. Eyhn kamun konmey hiti kamey ga Gaumugey habaru fathuraa vaseelathakun Huludhoo Badunaam Vaafada Kanthaka Eyves Furusathu Nudinuma Alugadhu Huludhoo gey eymehaa Zuvaanuna Govaalan.
alaugadhumen rashun beyruga Ulen Jehunu kamauga viyas thaa abadhu mey thi lobuvethi afsgada thakaa nihaayatha furu veri vamun, Thiya Vatahn gey Eymey Vilifuka takaa ves Gurubaan veven Oy gothak Eymagu ves Hiyaalu kuran thibi Darin thakeemuey. Rashu gey haalu gey dhulun eyhera govaa Aadhyhugey adhu mihaaru ves aharmengy Kanfathuga jehythee nihaayatha hithaama kuran. Ahrumenee Thuleema Nihaayatha Gurubaan vee Fahuruveri Darin tahkey Uleyfa dhiya Rashy gey ahuluverin. eygey eyme reethi misaalakee Mi haaru gey Sarukaaru gey Minsters gey terey Huludhoo gey Vindhu jahaa 5 darin thibikamun ney.
Eyhen kamun mi mislaalun Iburathey Hasil kogeyn Alugadhumengey miadhugey Furaavaru Jeelu Heylun teri vuma alugand govaalan. eyeheny Tahreehu alun eyaadavaan mihiragey daa mazaru fenathee.
(Huludhoo gey Zuvaanaa)
Mikahala majoosee luchchaa thah maran vee , hamudharudhee vaakah noon vee, mivagunnaa hedhi hulhudhoo ge lobuvethi meehunna ulheven neh., gey geah vadhe vakkan kurumaa feyrumaa mifadhuge kanthakaa hedhi lolah nidhi naadhey
Hulhudhu ah vagu bali fethurigen mi ulhenee kaley men naahedhi ,mi kahala himaarunna saportu koh islaahun kuran vee yey kiyaafa ulhey thee , vagun ah burikoh dhanjassaa maran vee e irun vakkamaa feyrun huttuveyne. kon me meehaku ves dharin hoadhaa fa vallah dhookoh laane /Mudhimaa
Hamdarudee gey Lolakun eymeehunaa Dimaala ves Nazaruhingaalan veeny, eyheny eymeehun Tharubiyathu gey maruhalaa ga eylifa vaa Kathifiyavalun eymeehun Veeraanavamundaa kamee Gaboolu Kuran jehy Hagee gathey key.
Eymeehuna Marugey Adabu ves devidaany eyhen as eymeehun gey muli aailaatahak othy Kon gotey tho nikan Visnaa bal. Konmey gothey viyas Miadhu Rashugey Hurihaa Zuvaanauna ves Gabool kuran jehy Hageegathakee mikamun Minjuvany maguthakey hodan eybajeyhey kan. Eyhen kamun mazeega Huludhoo Zuvaanun dakamun Diya hiyvaruaa Fanavaru neregen miadu gey Zuvaan jeeyl mivabaain Salaamay vuma Masaky kuran eyba Jeyhy.
Huludhoo Gey zuvaanaa
Huludhoo Gey tharageeya tahakaa Higaa konmey kamey ga ves Migotha Hiyaalu Badalu ko Mashavraa Kolevyney Gotahkey hoodaa Vamundaa goy Vara Avasa avaha Uplod vaa fada nizaamey Gaimu Kuran eybajehy
Azaa Mi Blogspot miavurey Updated Eychaka Hadaa deyvachy, Habarey neteeyaa Ijutimaaee Masala ahka NAzaru hingaalaafa Namaves Mi Huludhoo gey Zuvaanuna Beynun teri Eychak Hadaa levytho balachy. Eykamun Eyves meehygey Zaathee kanthakaa nubehi vara Professional ko Kuriya gendeveytho balchy. Eyves kamey ga Rashu tery maslahathu geylidaa fada Kamey Miblogspot ka nukuravachy, adi Coment kurumuga ves Zuvaabu kuraa Malamaka Heydiya nudevachy.
Azaa gey thiya masakathuga Barakaa lavashiey
(heyo eydhey Meeha)
plx Keep it up
Zuvaanun ney tharaggee ey emeehunge aailaa ey kiyaafa maadhigu molhu vaahaka thakkaa kah nujehey , drug vagun amunaafa rashun beyrah avaha thalhaa maraafa beyrukuran vejje.Aharumen mi ulhenee mi vagun naa hedhi nu ulhevigen..Luchchaa maarees thah beyrukuran vee...Dharin hoadhaane ,dhen evagun aharumenge minikaan dhookollanee dhoa..Vagun nakah furusathu nudheynan..Balan hunnaa thi
Mee haku mi vagu kaley geah hamudharudhee vaan vee , meehaku mikaley geaha gadha kamun fah boan dhinee tha..., Vagun ge listu hadhaafa mirashu raiyathun vegen avahah thalhaa maraafa beyrukuranvee.Thibi thanakun nere dhagaduburin thalhaa nunerenees aharumenna mirashaku nu ulheveyne, ehen noonee aharaumen mirashun beyruvaan vee dhoa. mikahala choaru luchchaa inna furusath dheefa....Bala moyayaa
Moyayaa ,vakkan koh hakuru boa meehuna kulheveynee football eh nooneve ,geygeah vadhe vakkan koh maaraa maaree hingey nee eve..,emeehun ge aailaa yaa medhu aharumen enme hidhu kolhakuves visnan nujehe..mi himaarun thah aharumen buramassakathun hoadhaa ethi kolhu vagah vadhe kavvaa lanee..Kaloyaa thibunanee hamudharu dhee vaashey..hehehehe
if its to be done acordance to comments, more than half of hulhudhoo youths' hands to be cut off. so, i m very opposed to it. they are doing these, its not only because of their own faults. it had been a part of 30yrs dictatorship not taking their responsibility. hence, we have to take remedial measures first.
Moya ey nuvy. Eykamun Insaaniyathu kamaa eyku Eyba jaehy dho Visnaalan ves.Thi visnany eyves hamdarudee ey nethy. thee adi muliyakun rangalu hiyaaley noon. Hakuru gey maslakee Rashugey Ijuthimaee eynmey bodu vabaakan Gabool ko Rehabilitae kurumugey furusathu eyba hoda deyn jey huludhoo gey Zuvaanun.
Hurihaa meehunee Konemyhen Aburaa mujuthama nugeneyvy ney baye kama baligeyn nuvany. Aharumen Huludhoo hurihaa Zuvaanun bvegeyn eyba jehy MAsakthakey kuran. Mee bayaku gaboolu kuriyas Adi nukuriyas Miadhu kurimathi laan jehy Hagee gathey. Kuranjehy Bodu Ijuthimaaey Masakatehy (Gaumee Masakatehy) Fahuru veri Huludhoo gey eymehaa darin mikamu gaa visnumee Miadhu Rashugey Haalugey dhulun Eygovaa Govelia Javaabey dinun kan gaimu
Huludhoo gey Zuvaanaa
Mi luchchaa drug vagunthah madhumadhun maraa avahah huskuran vee, varihama mulhi Hulhudhoo enmen maran jehunas , hama gaaimuves aharenge aailee meehaku mi vabaa ga jehifa neh , ma mem miulhenee mi koththaa thakaa hedhi nu ulhevigen
Mi in ehves himaaraku ,mi mujuthama akah nugeneveyne , mamenves ulhunee mi 30 aharuga mi raajjey ga drugeh nunagan vakkan nukuran , jeebun nufeyren ,zaharu dheegen namaves mi balhun maraa huskureveythoa balan vee
thi vabaaga maadhan jeheynee thibeyfulhunge aailaage kaakah kamhe kihinethoa ingeynee.. ehaaves bodah drug vabaa vanee hulhudhoo ga fethurifa. islaahuge magun vaahaka dhakkan hingavaa.
Inshaa Allah ..Mialhun vanee salamaith kuravvaa fai.vagunnaai drug boa luchchaa thakah ihuthiraamu kuran nubuney, Mimeehunnaa mamem muhaathabu kuraanee geri bakarinnaa muhaathabu kuraafadhain...eiee valu kuththaa thah. Mi kuththaa thah kuraa vakkamoa
Mi vagu kuththaa thah Addu Atoll Hulhudhoon beyru kureveyne planeh raavaa avahah himaarunthah mirashun baalan vee.mivalu kuththaa thah alakun mujuthama aku beynumeh nuhifeyne.Mi vagunna kee asluves maru haggu bayyeh,
Its better we go to the route course of the problem, rather than blaming the victims of the epidemic. Try form each others position and level to stop brug busines and entry into the Hulhumeedhoo.
It is difficult to stop ,until hang up one of this druger /robber in front of the public . Please do not sustain for these idiotic bustards
our creater (allah) also pardom for the bad acts of wrongdoers. why u ppl so selfish and not feeling sympathy for these victims. even if these ppl come back to the community as good people ur opportunities will not be lost.
It is believed that even you’re an abused to drug , tell me why should we excuse to them , we should kill those idiotic animals / the great robbers , those "haraamee luchchas"
neither me nor my family members victims yet. but feel sorry and sympathy of those brothers who are victims.
This is something sad. We all need to be worried about this. I remember this guy and many other drug addicts in Hulhudhoo freely enjoying their "golden world" when I was in hulhudhoo some 10 years ago. During those days I was a kid, and yet was able to pin point who are the culprits of the society. That means who were elder to me would have been much more aware of the fact. And hence, I like to believe the situation of Hulhudhoo went this bad because the responsible people of the society did not take appropriate measures. Even if Golhaabo was in power at that time, we still had some measures we personally could take. If we did not have, the number of drug addicts in all parts of Maldives would be relatively same compared to the population.
And about hanging and chopping off the hands of these addicts/thieves, let me share my knowledge. As far as Islam says we can chop off hands, if the conditions for it meets. This include the item stolen has a minimum value, Sharia'h is implemented in the society (meaning not giving chance for thieves, as well as giving opportunity for them to abide by the laws.) Speaking of this, the second condition is not fulfilled in any part of the Maldives, because enough measures are not taken to prevent people from drugs and robbery. Therefore it is not wise to chop off the hand when we haven't had measures to prevent them at first place. And this is the reason why, during the days of one of the 4 Khalifa's, there came a famine and people had no means to meet their basic needs. So, people of weak iman went of looting places. And when the Khalifa was asked to chop off the hands of those who are thieves, he replied, "should I chop off their hands even when they stole food which I failed to provide for them"...
I hope my comment would help this misconception....
Many thanks..
A Hulhudhoo citizen living abroad