Need for better health facilities is failing to coincide with the newer structure!
Few things have changed certainly. Patients find the new structure spacious, clean and free of congestion. However little or no improvements have come to the quality of services provided despite vague promises by the ex-Health Minister Mr.Ilyas Ibrahim. With a single doctor on duty, dozens of patients in ward and ever-increasing number of OPD patients, managing the center apart from the limited services they provide, is in a big mess.
The policies of the government are largely to blame for the medical failures and preventable fatalities the center went through since its initial opening some eighteen years ago. Poor health facilities, fewer stock, damaged equipments and inexperienced doctors made the Hulhumeedhoo community search for better health care, which resulted in the mass immigration of people from both the islands in the 1990s. However, records of the past 10 years show that Hulhumeedhoo Health Center is qualified to move from the present category to Hospital Level. “We achieved the benchmark set out by the Department of Medical Services for health centers halfway through the year,” Ms. Aminath Mohamed Didi said. She stated that Hulhumeedhoo health center is now ready to be upgraded to an atoll hospital considering the surging number of OPDs in the last three years.
Despite all these facts government was negligent about the soaring condition in Hulhumeedhoo. On several occasions at different level, Hulhumeedhooans have raised their voice to the designated authorities duly. So far, nothing has been done to improve the services of the center other than shifting the existing building to a different occasion.
Today we hope our voices would reach the newly elected government and put an end to the soaring health care or facilitate better services to the ease the detrimental situation in Hulhumeedhoo Health Center. The healthier the nation the wealthier it could become!

mikahal kithamey kanathakun Addu Atoll Huludhoo gey Raiyathun Thibee Mahuroom veyf. Eyhn kamun Kiriyaaves thanavaskamy libifa vaameehakunam Majubooru vany daringey mustagbalatakaa Hijura(Asaasee Hijura) ey kuran.
first of all Ms. Aminath didi has to be removed from tht post. she very discriminates staff between Hulhudhoo and Meedhoo. this is something we dont want to hear in modern days. Hulhudhoo staff are also in fear of being punish by this arrogant lady.