30 years of ruling in vein...Drugs speak!!
This is the gift of Gayyoom's 30 years of legacy which he is proudly trying to sell to the rest of the world. Albiet one could be astonished to see the staggering growth in the number of childrens out on the streets of Hulhudhoo, signifying the direction we are headed forward due to negligence. Gayyoom's government should take all the reponsibilities for destroying our home, our families, our friends and brothers and sisters.
In Hulhumeedhoo children as young as 12 years have started using some sort of drugs and often sniff glue, mostly Dunlop. Some drink eau-de-cologne (cola water), cough medicine, and there are even reports of these children drinking “roll on ” to get high. The guys in blue and yellow are brothers enticed by the evil spirit of drugs. There are around staggering number of approximately 20 below 16 years old crowd in Hulhudhoo, who could become a menace to the entire Hulhumeedhoo shortly. Already there are reports of robbery and other serious crimes involevment by these young childrens.
Loopholes in the government law enforement authorities and inappr
opriate educational development programs are to blame for all the damages to human resources in the country. Schools should have been made more responsible in shaping the future of the students they release every year. Not every child is genius or can pursue studies like others, but sports would reconcile the gap. Today we see less schooling hours and almost no sports activities for the children. However music and stage shows are given more priorities in the school, oppening doors for childrens to go astry. Children get more time out of school now, which means they are released to a more open world where they meet different people and experiment on different things, making them vulnerable to the norms of the society.

As the saying 'let by gone and be by gone', we shall look back the past as a bad experience of a brutal dictatorship. We should stop worrying and start living now. New government should be made more responsible in addressing to these sort of issues. From parents to local institutions to police should hold their hands to recover the damages of the past. Hope for a better future for these children is likely to rise with coalition government, however the involvement of the society as a whole to fight for eradicating the odds is inevitable.

pls. write an article on how maumoon has made Hulhudhoo as desert land
We can keep on writing long articles on that. But the question is, would that help us now? I don't think so because, reason one is Golhabo has already gone and there is nothing we can expect from him. Secondly, those things golhabo did to our societies are done already. By talking abt who did it wont change it. We have to talk abt ways to tackle it. :D