Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture guarantees a sigh of relief to the people Hulhumeedhoo

The minister confirmed to the people of Hulhumeedhoo that their fish catch will no longer be dumped into the sea nor will be bought by MIFCO below the market price. “A large collector vessel will operate in this region and will be made available to accommodate all the fish catch all the whiles throughout Addu and Fuvahmulah,” confirmed the newly selected minister, Dr. Ibrahim Didi. He also affirmed to the people that two of the four cannery lines at Felivaru will be shifted to Hithadhoo fish processing plant due to be developed in the near future. “We will facilitate ways to make Felivaru products available in Addu at the same price as they are sold in Fasmeeru in Male’,” stated the minister. This means that during days of poor or no fish catch, Hulhumeedhoo people will have access to cheap fish cannery products within the island from the proposed STO shopping center.
Farmers were delighted as the minister assured to them that within a week’s time he would personally lend a hand in making a road to the east of Hulhumeedhoo where farms are booming. This would certainly pave way for bringing electricity to the firm fields, a much-awaited facility by farmers for ages since agriculture began in Hulhumeedhoo. “Fertilizers and other products will be available at the same price as in Male’,”” assured the minister. He confirmed to the people that the construction of a STO shopping center will commence soon, and urged the audience to find a suitable place for selling STO goods temporarily. The delighted Hulhumeedhooans immediately pointed there finger at old Health Center and suggested the place as the most viable and easily accessible point for both the islands. The minister in his speech signified the need for commemorating the Farmers Day but did not mention a particular day to be marked as the farmer’s day.
After the meeting, the minister visited Hera to observe the newly dredged channel between Meedhoo and Hera. “Though this has little connection to our ministry, we will consider helping you by directing your urge to the respective authorities in the government,” suggested the minister. As expectation for growth is surging in the blood of Hulhumeedhooans, opportunity for reef fishery different sorts of fishery is also expected to blossom. View Photos