Dhen Fudhijje!!!

Nevertheless, the people of S.Hulhudhoo always, since the very begining of his precidency, started finding problems in his government. So one by one stood against him every now and then, some failed very ruthlessly. However in todays political arena most of the political leaders are from Hulhudhoo or Addu. We cannot accept racism, inequality in the distribution of income, poor civil service, growing corruption and specially government controlled by a mafia gang lead by Maumoon's brother Yaameen. We very clrealy know that Yameen is the guy behind all the gang fights and vandalism in the capital Male', who is ready to "Kill" innocent lives to bolster his brothers unfaithuful legacy. We will not forgive Maumoon and his saviors for destroying our youth specially Addu youth by introducing them to addictive drugs. How many families have been suffering the pains of these "atrocities" done by Maumoon. For these countless reasons we are standing against you Mr. Maumoon to oust you and your family from the main stream politics in this country. 'S. HULHUDHOO SHALL WELCOME YOU WITH ANGRY HEARTS, REVENGING CHANCES AND PAINFULL SUFFERINGS'