In October 2008, Hulhudhoo Today began publishing in Hulhudhoo as a news and information blog providing up to date news from Hulhudhoo, one of the six islands in the southern most atoll, the Addu.
Hulhudhoo Today's main aims are to provide true and most recent happenings in the island to the vast majority of Hulhudhooans living accros the nation and elsewhere in the world. In doing so we would keep track of political status of the country, sports and would highlight major happening around the world too.
Hulhudhoo Today is not affiliated with any political group or party. None of our editorial staff have close ties with any political group and therefore content of the blog is purely farily.
Manager and Editor

The manager and editor of the blog is Mr. Ahmed Azleem.
Email: azleem@hulhudhootoday.com
Please feel free to write to Hulhudhoo Today and we would be more than happy to publish them upon content varification.