I call upon all Hulhumeedhoo voting populations to keep refrained from casting their vote to business men. We have experienced what happens when business tycoons get seat in in the Majilis. Say no to business people. Don,t sell your vote for Rf500, exercise wisely.
To the one who have written the comment on December 31, 2008 9:44 AM.. speak the truth. if u really open ur eyes n mind u will get to know what ilyas has done n what he's doin in hulhudhoo. If its hard for u to blieve the truth, dammn it... stay away from this. VOTE FOR ILYAS....Definlty I will
Hey Ilyaas says he graduated 8 years before.. how would that be possible when ilyaas finished his A levels in 1999?? A levels done in 1999 and atleast to graduate from a field, it will take we believe 4 years unless you get graduated in Geradhoo School .. so it must be 2003 if Ilyaas has graduated.. so what is that 8 years ilyass talking about been at service to Nation after graduating? is it 2011 ilyass talking about, becz thats going to be the time when ilyass would compleate 8 years of exposure??.. an to be honest ilyass we need someone with more experiance here.. unless ilyaas can have a super chip from mega chip which can give him the future experiance?? could be possible with Japans Tech... no offence.. am a fan of maga chip and love NEC comps.. but i woouldnt be giving my vote as ilyass is jus too young and has jus began life..
@ Richard. you are talking about very average peaople. And you have very little understanding about education. 4 years for a bachelors degree is in only some universities. Its very normal to finish a degree is less than 3 years. It all depends on your capacity. ILYAS is a capable and hardworking person. You could be a slow learner. Ilyas can do things you could do in 10 years just in 5 years. keep trying buddy.. VOTE ILYAS
guys am talking about the fact that its a possible lie that ilyass said abot 8 years of service to the nation after graduating..the fact is if you take (as ahmed said) 3 years also to graduate how would ilyass be able to have experiance and service of 8 years to the nation after graduating?? by the way i have a difficulty in understanding whats written by anonymous as it sounds to me like an Alien language..
I know Ilyas Labeeb well enough to know that he finished his Bachelors degree in IT at the end of 2002, and graduated around March 2003. After graduating he worked only in Megachip mainly doing marketing, and there is no way he can boast of eight years of work experience as a graduate. Perhaps, he himself believes that he does not have enough experience and maturity to bring to the seat. But why lie about such a simple thing? This undermines his credibility and trust, more than enough for me to not vote for him.
I think it is important to vote someone who is not pro MDP.
Perheps the average citizen could have a feeling that the best person would be some one who supports MDP. It is not neceserily true impresion.
Under the new constitution and the debate is speperation of powers. Famously know as '3 baar vakikurun" . If this is true it is a wrong idea that the legislative body to hold majority while the excutive is an MDP president.
We had a experienced 30 years of combined power in one hand. Do you want the current giverment to do that? Citizens of Huludu think of this before you vote.
Hameed is under the blessing of current gorment and he is an apointed candidate by MDP president.
Soon i ll try to give you a comparative analysis of all candidates.
there are people who will never understand even if everyone tries..Ilyas knows his island and he has done lot of things for the good of the people in our island..show us what other candidates has done like ilyas..think wisely guys..Ilyas is the most capable person for member of hulhudhoo/meedhoo..VOTE ILYAS
i want u to put a list of the things ilyas has done to Hulhumeedhoo. if u r clever enough pls do it and show to others, so, ilyas may get some few votes
We as Hulhudhuans will never vote for Ilyas Labeeb as our MP. We know how proud the whole family is and they even wont care abt smiling at anyone from Hulhudhoo. Why now??? They never knew we even exist until now,, why now?? If they feel they can buy votes with the money they had gotten somehow, i bet they are wasting their money and they better keep them in their coffers as they kept them all these years.
wel hello, where does ilyas come from is he not from hulhudhoo. does he not have his ( BIG) family baking in this campaign, are they not from hulhudhoo.. maybe, the referance "Hulhudhuan" u made in your comment refers to the only people who may not cast their ballot with ilyas name on it.but the general consesus would not agree on your idea.becouse Illyas is from hulhudhoo. Ilyas is as qualified and as able but, more electable then anyother candidate.
I couldn't help not commenting on the post by Anonymous on January 1st 2009, 10.19 pm;
It implied that you want us to vote someone whos not pro MDP. In bringing down your so called "30 years of power" , you might want to recall that the majority was pro MDP, though not necessarily belonging to the party MDP. So I'm not exactly sure if your asking us to vote a DRP candidate, by asking us to vote "someone whos not pro MDP"?
I might as well add that , all appointed members by the president, do not necessarily belong to MDP either.Hence in my opinion it shouldn't be assumed as such.Also The current government as you would see, has positions belonging to Buruma, Gaumee Iththihaadh,Adhaalath and so on, again not necessaily solely MDP.And Hameed does not belong to the party MDP.
mi hurihaa acchis kiyaalumun ves ingay keeve kan ammen illyas ge vaahaka dhakkanee.amme ginain dhekeveynee amme ragalhau candidate ge vaahaka kan engunu Americage election inves.
i wonder why the eligible people from hulhudhoo not contesting in this election. why ilyas, sandhaan didi, hameed and so on the crooks. these people are so selfish. can anyone of u ask from these people when was the last time their feet touched on hulhudhoo soil. from where and why these crooks suddenly appeared in hulhudhoo begging for our votes. shame on......
I wonder why you all are so obsessed with the idea of where the contenders resides.whether they live in male or in the constituency they belong has nothing to do with their eligibility to represent their people in the majlis.Our economy was never designed for many of our people to live in our own island.so you all ,with the said issue, knows why people migrate to male.so lets leave that issue behind and see who is best qualified among the known contenders for the moment.vote for the who feel is best.
Moosa ves makaru hadhaaigen avves Party akun nooney kiyaafa annanee PA , Yaameen ge Gundaa Party in aharumeneh nudhaynun PA ves DRP ah ves voteh. Moosa Jehaynee ekan gaboolukuran kommehen Moosa Ah vote nudhaykah nun. Moosa ves hurigothah huri partyga huregen kurimathi leenama ragalhu
Mee ekala bali gabool nukuraa DRP meehe. Kon lakudi buri ekey Kon fengadhekey kon dhiyagadhekey kiyaaka Kon chuku chuke thalhu vaaka.Madu madun hureveytho balaaba.ilyaas hovaafa dhakaanan Dhen lalalaaa
Attention everyone Please be noted that the letter is a translation of Ilyas Labeeb made by Siyaasee Hulhudhoo and may not reflect the exact word by word morale of the Dhivehi Version. Therefore please habour decency while making comments.
If you want the best, you have to vote for the best...If you want success, vote for the best (Vote for Ilyas).. Yes, we can make the changes we need in our society. “Yes We Can!” ... Yes, we can win this election... Yes, we can take back Hulhumeedhoo. Vote for Ilyas!!
Ilays mena Rashy oveyfa bayaku thibi kan eygynee Inthihaabak kurimathi laanveematha? eheny faisaaverikaun obi novegyn uley iruves rashu gey fageeru meehak zareygey minvaru ves dikonulaa fada bayak rashugey tahgeea konkamey tho ko deveny? thee mulin ves amila eydhumuga kuraa kantha eyehnas aharumen ILYAS aka thaaeydhey nukuraanam. mifahru, nikan visnabal thimaameny na huludhoo gey raiyathunaa medhu kantha kurevifaa vaagotha, eyehn kamun mihaarun mihaara ves aharen govaalaa hiyvany Ilyas thikamun dhura jehivadaigathuma. Huludhoo egy Zuvaany
Laari verin athuga lari hunnaane...masverin athuga mas hunnane..ilyas noonee nethey zuvaanakah ve hure mikamuge thajuribaa huri emme candidateh ves....thibuna sandhaanu ahammai dhee aai Ilyas ibrahim ge coalhumegge sababun libunu aniyaa thakegge vaahaka eyna dhakkanee...thibuna masood, hameed, hilmy, haadhee rashah kodhdhinee konkameh...masoodhakee amudhun mikama kurimathilaan ladhuvethi vaan jehey fenvaruge meehe..keeve...eyna gabooleh nukurey eynakee hulhudhoo raiyyitheh kamah...TV in fenna moonakah voteh nudheveyne...aduehin hameed hulhudhooge kommeves imaaraatheggai kharadukuraa vaahaka..meege kurin dhuvahakuves rashah kameh nukurey...so wat the f**k are u talking about...mikantha dhurugahuregen dhiraasaa kuramundhaa hulhudhooge zuvaaneh
lol.. kaleah maa bodah ingenee..
Ilyas Labeeb akee ey gotah ka ves Raiyathun gey majisl gey addu gey eyves godiyaka Eykasheegeyn vaa meehy nun, Eybaey gey faisaa gey adada balaafa Vote nudinuma Govaalan, No Vote 4 Ilyas, Ilyaasa devey votey ey beykaaru votey kama vaany
I call upon all Hulhumeedhoo voting populations to keep refrained from casting their vote to business men. We have experienced what happens when business tycoons get seat in in the Majilis. Say no to business people. Don,t sell your vote for Rf500, exercise wisely.
To the one who have written the comment on December 31, 2008 9:44 AM.. speak the truth. if u really open ur eyes n mind u will get to know what ilyas has done n what he's doin in hulhudhoo. If its hard for u to blieve the truth, dammn it... stay away from this. VOTE FOR ILYAS....Definlty I will
Hadhy ehme rangalhee hovas. eyna noone thithaaga nei hulhudhoo ah rangalhu hidhumathe kohdheefa huri meehe. miadhuge hulhudhoo ge haru zuvaanunna thauleemu haasilkoh dhin meehakaa hadhy. ehenveema hurihaa kudhinves hadhy ah voe dhevvaa
thauleemu haasil koh dhey meehaa kommehen majlis akah hovaakah nujeheyne. haadhee be ge sikudeege thoonu filikan mihaaru kuda vaane. mee dhunyey ge hageegai. Alhugandu men beynun vanee zuvaan, gaabil, thauleemee, aa fikuru thakeh gennan ingey zuvaanun. VOTE ILYAS.
Hey Ilyaas says he graduated 8 years before.. how would that be possible when ilyaas finished his A levels in 1999?? A levels done in 1999 and atleast to graduate from a field, it will take we believe 4 years unless you get graduated in Geradhoo School .. so it must be 2003 if Ilyaas has graduated.. so what is that 8 years ilyass talking about been at service to Nation after graduating? is it 2011 ilyass talking about, becz thats going to be the time when ilyass would compleate 8 years of exposure??.. an to be honest ilyass we need someone with more experiance here.. unless ilyaas can have a super chip from mega chip which can give him the future experiance?? could be possible with Japans Tech... no offence.. am a fan of maga chip and love NEC comps.. but i woouldnt be giving my vote as ilyass is jus too young and has jus began life..
@ Richard. you are talking about very average peaople. And you have very little understanding about education. 4 years for a bachelors degree is in only some universities. Its very normal to finish a degree is less than 3 years. It all depends on your capacity. ILYAS is a capable and hardworking person. You could be a slow learner. Ilyas can do things you could do in 10 years just in 5 years. keep trying buddy.. VOTE ILYAS
richadu bunantha vaahakaei richadu mennakah neigeine richadu mennakee
miduniyeige oyei vayei jehifai thibi baei noon faadu kiyann dhas koh gen faadu kiyaa balal
richard richard ah nasei hathei dhein miulenee richaduge thi visnun huregen dhuvahakuvess richadha kah rchaduge ratteskavess adhi richaduge thimaage meehakah vess richadakaa eku maagina dhuvahaku noole veine
mihaaruvess aailaa ethereiga richa daahedi kihaa bodu massla ei jehigen eulenee thi dhethere jesumuge bai ragalu kuran nasei haitheri van richaduge aailaa meehei
guys am talking about the fact that its a possible lie that ilyass said abot 8 years of service to the nation after graduating..the fact is if you take (as ahmed said) 3 years also to graduate how would ilyass be able to have experiance and service of 8 years to the nation after graduating?? by the way i have a difficulty in understanding whats written by anonymous as it sounds to me like an Alien language..
I know Ilyas Labeeb well enough to know that he finished his Bachelors degree in IT at the end of 2002, and graduated around March 2003. After graduating he worked only in Megachip mainly doing marketing, and there is no way he can boast of eight years of work experience as a graduate. Perhaps, he himself believes that he does not have enough experience and maturity to bring to the seat. But why lie about such a simple thing? This undermines his credibility and trust, more than enough for me to not vote for him.
An IT graduate to sit the constitutional assembly. Better think about the contribution he can give to the legislative process.
No debate is needed the time he completed his degree. Perheps you can debate about the relevency of his degree to the field.
A bechelors degree is possible even in 2 years if you hold a diploma of the same decepline.
ilyas ah bodah fenigen thiulhenee RF62500.00 aa raiy passport hen bodah heevanee. hulhudhoo rayyithun ge mathin handhaan vaanama meege kurinves handhaan vaan jeheyne noonthoa. ilyas ah aa ahareh aiee mifaharu ekanithaoves suvaalu kohlanbeynun.
I think it is important to vote someone who is not pro MDP.
Perheps the average citizen could have a feeling that the best person would be some one who supports MDP. It is not neceserily true impresion.
Under the new constitution and the debate is speperation of powers. Famously know as '3 baar vakikurun" . If this is true it is a wrong idea that the legislative body to hold majority while the excutive is an MDP president.
We had a experienced 30 years of combined power in one hand. Do you want the current giverment to do that? Citizens of Huludu think of this before you vote.
Hameed is under the blessing of current gorment and he is an apointed candidate by MDP president.
Soon i ll try to give you a comparative analysis of all candidates.
Pls submit ur analytical report asap, im ready to verify the credibility and weight of it..man hehehe
there are people who will never understand even if everyone tries..Ilyas knows his island and he has done lot of things for the good of the people in our island..show us what other candidates has done like ilyas..think wisely guys..Ilyas is the most capable person for member of hulhudhoo/meedhoo..VOTE ILYAS
i want u to put a list of the things ilyas has done to Hulhumeedhoo. if u r clever enough pls do it and show to others, so, ilyas may get some few votes
We as Hulhudhuans will never vote for Ilyas Labeeb as our MP. We know how proud the whole family is and they even wont care abt smiling at anyone from Hulhudhoo. Why now??? They never knew we even exist until now,, why now?? If they feel they can buy votes with the money they had gotten somehow, i bet they are wasting their money and they better keep them in their coffers as they kept them all these years.
wel hello, where does ilyas come from is he not from hulhudhoo. does he not have his ( BIG) family baking in this campaign, are they not from hulhudhoo.. maybe, the referance "Hulhudhuan" u made in your comment refers to the only people who may not cast their ballot with ilyas name on it.but the general consesus would not agree on your idea.becouse Illyas is from hulhudhoo.
Ilyas is as qualified and as able but, more electable then anyother candidate.
Ilyaaasa kaee ey godi furan eynemy eykasheegeyn vaameehaa noon, ey meehun gey bodaakama kiburu verikan eymey kairin fenifa thi bi bayakee aharumen, eymeehungey kairiee kuda iru ulunumeehun, eymeehun gey mainbafain kurimathee eyhen meehun gey kudin ey maska kuran jehy baey kam gaboolu kuri baey gey kujaku eyfada godiyaka neren aharumenyn Votey nudeynam, aharumenee eymeehun male hijura kurumugrey kurin eymey kairin dekefavaa baeykan hadaan kolan. Eygey fahun aharumen Male magumathin fenilumun Hinithun vumugey mooney ves dakaanulaa halu miadhu aharun fenuneema hiyheyo mooney dakany amila eydhumey oveygeyn noonbaa alaugadhu hitha araey,
Ilyas men nee eyhaa Huludhoo Dekey Lobi vaa baey nama eymeehun gey main bafaingey dhulun Huludhoo School a Badu basthakey nubunees, Eyhennee School gey kamey ga Diumn Eymeeyhun gey Dhulun bunaakahal Thimanmengey darin thi Huludhoo gey Scholl aka nudaany, eyhn kamun eymeehun gey Bodaa kamaa Thimaa mena thimaa menyn fenifa vaa varu nikan mihairageyn fenany, eyhn kamiun Ilyas bunelan othy mee tikama eymey munaasabu vaguthun nooney, eyfada Godiey Ahrumeyn gey faraathun beynun nam Huludhoo Raiyathunaa medhu dekey goy badalu ko Thimaa men Kurin Amalu kofa huri goythaka Maafa eydhuma Adabuverikamaa eyku Govaalan,
Ahren mee Ilys vara gaathun dana kuda iru gey friend, eyhenas miadhu Ilyas mena Aharu men Neygi thibey fa, Amila eydhumey othyma Aharumen Fenakamee hithaama kuraa akamey.
(Avashu Rahumateriyaa)
Ilyas men gaboolu kuraa gothuga emeehunge aailaa akee Mamma Bappa adhi eh badu eh bafaa meehun ekani. Emeehun ekani vote laigen hovey nama mihaaru meesmeehun kairiah salaan jahan dhaan jeheyne hen hieh nuvey. Ilyas ah aailaage ves hurihaa emmen voted dheyne kamaa medhu shakku ufedhey. Thibunaa electable ge maana eh neygunu, ehaa faseyha kameh kuran million rufiyaage budhet hadhaigen ais sarukaarunves nukuraahaa haradhu rashah kuranee elecetable kamun dho.
I couldn't help not commenting on the post by Anonymous on January 1st 2009, 10.19 pm;
It implied that you want us to vote someone whos not pro MDP. In bringing down your so called "30 years of power" , you might want to recall that the majority was pro MDP, though not necessarily belonging to the party MDP. So I'm not exactly sure if your asking us to vote a DRP candidate, by asking us to vote "someone whos not pro MDP"?
I might as well add that , all appointed members by the president, do not necessarily belong to MDP either.Hence in my opinion it shouldn't be assumed as such.Also The current government as you would see, has positions belonging to Buruma, Gaumee Iththihaadh,Adhaalath and so on, again not necessaily solely MDP.And Hameed does not belong to the party MDP.
Please do consider this in your analysis.Peace.
i will vote for ilyas.i believe he is the best qualified guy for the post. so ilyas u got me... count my vote for you.
mi hurihaa acchis kiyaalumun ves ingay keeve kan ammen illyas ge vaahaka dhakkanee.amme ginain dhekeveynee amme ragalhau candidate ge vaahaka kan engunu Americage election inves.
i wonder why the eligible people from hulhudhoo not contesting in this election. why ilyas, sandhaan didi, hameed and so on the crooks. these people are so selfish. can anyone of u ask from these people when was the last time their feet touched on hulhudhoo soil. from where and why these crooks suddenly appeared in hulhudhoo begging for our votes. shame on......
I wonder why you all are so obsessed with the idea of where the contenders resides.whether they live in male or in the constituency they belong has nothing to do with their eligibility to represent their people in the majlis.Our economy was never designed for many of our people to live in our own island.so you all ,with the said issue, knows why people migrate to male.so lets leave that issue behind and see who is best qualified among the known contenders for the moment.vote for the who feel is best.
Moosa ves makaru hadhaaigen avves Party akun nooney kiyaafa annanee PA , Yaameen ge Gundaa Party in aharumeneh nudhaynun PA ves DRP ah ves voteh. Moosa Jehaynee ekan gaboolukuran kommehen Moosa Ah vote nudhaykah nun. Moosa ves hurigothah huri partyga huregen kurimathi leenama ragalhu
Sandhaanu Ahmed Didi aharumen munavvaru hovan vegen MDP primaryga ulhunu iru Munavvaraa dhekolhah kuri Anti Campaign mathin aharumen hadhaan ebahuri. Ahmed Didi varah personal koh Munavvaru ah malaamaah koh Acchis govikan aee aharumen edhuvahu varah dheravi kamey.aharu vote dhayiru mihuri haa kamah kah ves riyaa ah koh vote dhaynee mihaaru.Didi ah Anti camapign aharen personal koh nukurias vote nudhinumah govaalan. hurihaa hulhudhoo Meedhooge rayyathunah.
hulhudhoo Meedhoon aasei thibee hus gaabilu meehaa dhen ethanun amme gaabilu meehakaa hulhudhoon hoveyhe nunee. Hoveynei amme ragalha camapign vey baakin thimaamen nah kamah nikedas ammenah engei au keyfei thibias vote nilibeyhe hama jehaynei meehun naa ekehei aadhays koh benai as vote hoadhaah.aa hadi kamah nun dhera kamakas nun.aa as ameehakaage gaabilu kan dhakkai dheykamah.
hulhudhoo thibee milhin ingireysiyai Ilyas ingireysin sitee leynai hulhudhoo mehunge votaa hoadhaah antharees nivei evves ottrah neiy sitee ah
Afirin antharees vege miko ilyas dhivehin leyfei oh sitee nifenayhedhi nun fehay adhi nilibeyhedhi.hullhudhoo meedhoo hushuhei aryyathunnah behamun anee ingireysi bahun oh sitee ah nun mi bloge meehun miyaah aruvaah vegen hadha fei oh tharujamaa sitee ah mee
Alhugadhu "AT" hurihaa zuvaanuna govaalan ilyaas labeeb ah vote dhinuma. Ilyaas is the best
AT Zuvaana.
Hello bro/Sis (january 6,09 12;27) furathama vahaka dhekumuge kurin than dhoru balaafa vahaka dhakabala.Dhivehin liyefa oi eche fenuneema ingeynetha? Thee hulhudhoo/Meedhoo meehenama kei kolaa citee libeyne
aslu ilyas handsom , educated ehaa lifega kaamiyaabu zuvaanakah vumun admire kuraakudhin ves ulhayne J vaa meehun ves ulhyane ameehun dhogu vaahaka ves dhakkaane. hageeathakee ilyas varuge saadhaa deedhaa mikamah gaabilu meehaku kurimathi laafa thibi meehun threy adhi neh kan.
Ilyas as thaaidhu bodu kamah miharuves fenay amme gina comment huree ilyas dhimaakohfa.iraadha kureviyya Ilyas ah vote dhaynun
Aslu Ilyas nunfehey Ladho hayaathey nethi geyn higaa Candidat Adi huluhdhoo meehoo geyda kurimathi nilai, Ilayaas mengey fenvarany maumoon Hulumeeedhoo a gey dhuvahai Dhigi Alifuthaai deverin Lakudi buriya hifa geyn diaygada eyri thibee maumoon a hamalaadey, mifenvaru tah aharu men beynumee, Bala thuleemey Ranagal Sanada othas thimaa gai kiburuverikamaai Bodaakan hishifey eye eyves meehanun, Raiyathungey ,majilisgey Geyda Ilyaasu ey eymey fhaugey Choice a hadaakeny, Ferethuma Choice akee Azeezaa gey Ali Rasheed a hadamaa higaa keyn
Mee ekala bali gabool nukuraa DRP meehe. Kon lakudi buri ekey Kon fengadhekey kon dhiyagadhekey kiyaaka Kon chuku chuke thalhu vaaka.Madu madun hureveytho balaaba.ilyaas hovaafa dhakaanan Dhen lalalaaa
Vote Ilyaas
DRP meehunge thi ihusaas hunnaane kan ingay ekamun keekuraanee. edhuvahu ammen ves ekan kuree e bayaku thaaidhu kuraa meehun hovaytho.DRP meehun drug ves behi ladhun miharu rashun beyruga baeh meehun ulheneee
Haa saabahey ILYAAS hovaane.
My vote is 4 Ilyaas
Ali akeeas ragalha candidatah ekamaki dhen hovene fehay hama vaki ahen meehakaah dhoonikeraahe
Ma vota ma dheynei amme kurin maai ekehi beni meehaa a Ranhadhaage Moosa, ahen nun ehthenna ma vote dhaynei Ilyas ah.
i really believe he can be the right candidate for Hulhumeedhoo
Attention everyone
Please be noted that the letter is a translation of Ilyas Labeeb made by Siyaasee Hulhudhoo and may not reflect the exact word by word morale of the Dhivehi Version. Therefore please habour decency while making comments.
vote ilyas
Hulhumeedho godiah kurimathilaan masha ehme rangalhee hotali hassan beybege Ali Didi. eyna akee siyasee ijuthimaeey kankamah varah heyluntheri meehe. kankamaa rangalha vakaalaathukoh vaahaka dhekkutheri meehe.
Can i tel something to everyone, this is our time so we will win.Vote for Illyas he is can do this job i really agree for him.
yeh u are v much true....
and this time we all are with illyas.Vote 4 illyas
If you want the best, you have to vote for the best...If you want success, vote for the best (Vote for Ilyas).. Yes, we can make the changes we need in our society. “Yes We Can!” ... Yes, we can win this election... Yes, we can take back Hulhumeedhoo. Vote for Ilyas!!
" The Heart of Hulhudhoo/Meedhoo "
Meehun kantha kodhey shey buneema me winter ey anekachekey kiyaigen faadhu faadhu vahaka dhakamun dhaairu heevanee dhuniyeyga thibenee thimana noone moya in hen. Winter aka viyas echehi vikaameehun vikaakan meedhoo meehuna egey. Winter ey nubune emeehun thibee nidhaafa ey buni namaves thankolhe ragalhu vaanehen heevanee. Dhen thikan tha hutaalan veje eh noon mihaar hulhumeedhoo meehun thihen gos ulhey meehuna thuren mey heylun theri vaane.
Dhen manama ves......
Winter: Zuvaanun beynun vanee konkame tho?
Ans: Alhugadhumen beynun vanee ragalhu fenvaraka fotball dhadhu hadhan
Winter: Thee eves kame noon thikan kurevidhaane,alhugadhu international fenvara thi dhadhu hadhaa dheynan
Ans: Ehen v ma kon iraku tho masakai fashaane?
Winter: Mmmmmmm.. Midhuvas kolhu mee europe winter. Ehen v ma carpet hadhaane oshe nulibeyne Dhen winter ge fahun masakai feshey varu vaane.
Ans: Ehen v ma dhen vote ves dheveynee winter ge fahun/so we wl meet u after winter.Ok cut
Haadha salhi vahaka kolhe? Ma meege kureega ves mivaahaka adhu ehin. Is this a true story?
my vote is for ilyas