Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture opens the office of recovering addicts
Mr. Ibrahim Sameeu, the project coordinator and in charge briefed all the activities that were conducted since its birth in March 1, 2008. He also highlighted the activities specially designed for the next year. Among them, a general survey targeted for recovering addicts and the public at large were noticeably inevitable. The office provides all sorts of books and materials beneficial for recovering addicts to stay clean.
Members of the recovering community were delighted by the support they got from high profile delegation. Their aim is to stay clean and educate others to prevent from entering into this evil addiction. One should never forget that relapse is a part of recovery cycle. You may relapse once, twice and even six times. In USA, an addict relapses twelve times on average before they recover fully. Nevertheless, bringing them back to the recovering community is important, thus Narcotics Anonymous (NA) provides solution for this. Today NA is weekly practiced here in Hulhumeedhoo initiated by the recovering addicts. Dr. Ibrahim Didi, Mr. Ilyas Ibrahim, Mr. Shafeeu and Mr. Labeeb signed in the dignitaries signing book. All encouraged the members of the foundation and advised to be engaged in doing works. Dr. Didi emphasized on the opportunities available in the field of agriculture and urged the members to work hard to become responsible citizen for the nation. View photos