12:35 AM | Posted by Hulhudhoo Today

Every individual in Hulhumeedhoo is touched by the staggering speed of land erosion in northeast parts of Meedhoo, renowned in our times as “Maa Elhe”. During the past three months, an area of approximately 1250sq feet of land has swayed into the waters by the devastating force of waves while the foundations of two of the British Army armor shields (“Badi Buruz”s) that were built on the northeast coast during the Second World War have also been washed into the beach. These dramatical changes to the coastal area have become imminent after dredging harbours in both Hulhudhoo and Meedhoo. Analysts also speak against reclaiming land to make causeways between Hulhudhoo and Herathera and Meedhoo and Hera as the reason for land erosion.
Easy flow of water current is almost impossible around Hulhumeedhoo. “Pre Hulhudhoo-Herathera reclamation until late 1980s the lagoon was very beautiful and crystal clear,” stated Ali. It is the case with Meedhoo-Hera. Though the private cost of such a move had less impact on people in Hulhudhoo side, the social cost of it becomes astonishingly high in places close to the main two restaurants in Meedhoo.

Posted by Hulhudhoo Today
on 12:35 AM. Filed under
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