Does the cost of migration compensate the benefits of academic excellence?
Hulhumeedhoo is always renowned in the country as home for professionals. From religious scholars and doctors from all fields of medicine to influential politician and engineers of all sorts, Hulhumeedhoo holds a very high position in the nation in terms of human resources. During 1980s until late 1990s many of the families migrated from Hulhumeedhoo to Male’ to provide better education for their children. Many managed to emerge to the nation as creams while few went astray. Despite all, does the departure for better & higher studies to Male’ or elsewhere in the world compensate the cost of migration.
We learned from the pictures to the right that all the families who deserted their homes for a better future for their children are due to pay a higher cost for the reconstruction of their homes. These devastations could be looked in a different angle politically. Under Gayyoom’s regime right from lower level of human needs to higher level of hierarchy could only be achieved if a family decides to desert their native land and fit into a 10/15 feet box in Male’ at an unreasonable price. People were left with no choice but to desert their home, relatives and neighbors and migrated to Male’.
Poor health services were one of the major factors that affected the 60% Hulhumeedhoo population leave their homeland that has a population of almost 6000 people. This is quite a higher number and even more than the whole population of some of the atolls in the country. Hulhumeedhoo Health Center could not provide some of the basic medical services although it fits into the category of a Hospital like Hithadhoo Regional Hospital, given the number of population and the OPD patients. Consequently, we have to bear huge costs associated with getting a single X-Ray to minor scans from Hithadhoo.
Now after all these facts are justifiable in favour of migration to Male’, do those migrants have “no duty of care” for their homes and native island? Once upon a time you were born to Hulhudhoo, do not really make you a Hulhudhooan unless you love its soil. So why would you leave your home get destroyed to debris? All over Hulhudhoo in particular devastation and signs of desertion is high for those who migrated to Male’ feel they will never have to come back their home. We kindly plea those migrants to at least erect their destroyed homes as it would certainly bring life to the island.

Vra Ranagalu liumey kan Faahag kureevy.
Miadhu gey saraukaara govalaalan beynumee Huludhoo gey raiyathuna na eymehun gey vazanuga diri uleyney gothey hadavaa deyveaashy.
thts a problem for every part of the world. people who can afford and will also move to area where god facilities are availabe. in the case of maldives these facilities are availabe from the capital (Male') thts why those people from hulhudhoo who are affordable enough and want to enjoy the good facilities have moved Male'. this is something noboday can control unless govt and the community do something do develop in a decentralized way. most of families from hulhudhoo who reside in Male' is likely feeling of their native place. there little chance tht these families might turn up to hulhudhoo for living.
Thanks to the writer for bringing this very important issue to the interest of the public.
I personally belong to Hulhudhoo and I am proud to be a Hulhudhuan. Back in 1997 when I finished my primary Schooling at S.A.M, there were no facilities for secondary level of education. With the intention of holding the students in the school (without letting them leave to Male), the then-principal of the shcool Mr. Ibrahim Waheed arranged to have pre-8 classes. Although his intention was good, these classes were just a mere waste of time for the students. Because, there were no secondary educational facilities in the island, my family made me migrate to Male. Even then, I had the intention of returning back to Hulhudhoo after my higher secondary education. But, by the time I finished my A/Level studies, there went't facilities for further studies in Male. This made me leave the country for further studies, with the help of a scholarship I won. Today, I have finished my studies and I still am living abroad because I'm quite sure even if I return to my country I will have no opportunity to stay in Hulhudhoo where I can make a life. So, when there is no hope to serving the island which I love to utmost level, I don't find any reason why I should return Male and stay in Male, where you have to spend 75% of your income for house rent.
I think this is the main reason why most of the people who left Hulhudhoo are not returning to the island.
Azaa : Miah vure maa ragalheh nun mirashuga thibi mahaa choaru bodethi vagun naa hakuruboa kuththaa thah rashun beyru aruvaa levey thoa gadha alhaa massakaiy kureeyaa / Dhonalibey