Unemployment will be reduced-Ilyas Labeeb
Ilyas Labeeb promised creations of hundreds of jobs under his long term plans to develop ‘Hera’ as a tourist resort. “Opening of a tourist resort at Hera is a long lasting dream of our beloved Meedhoo people and it’s my mission” said Ilyas while meeting with his supporters in Meedhoo on last Friday. He also highlighted the business opportunities that would be opened for Hulhumeedhoo people when the said project gets realized.
As part of Ilyas Labeeb’s campaign promotion he met with his supporters in Meedhoo on last Friday near Shamsudheen School. Hundreds of people visited to listen to his speech in which he urged people to attend to all the gathering conducted by all candidates. “You must listen to all candidates, analyze each ones proposal for the development of Hulhumeedhoo and country, and vote based on your judgments” advised Ilyas. He strongly emphasized on ‘voter education’ as the basis of his campaign strategy. According to him, voters must know why he or she votes a particular candidate.
He addressed on various socio economic concerns faced by our community today. “There are too many loop holes in the system and I promise to help you curb them” vowed Ilyas. He drew attention on deteriorating situation of drug abuse and its illegal smuggling into our community. He promised he would help rehabilitate the addicts and put an end to illegal smuggling.
Ilyas shared his notion to specialize Health Center in one particular field or two. “We have all the required facilities to provide quality dental services within Health Center and preparations from the side of Health Center remain incomplete”, delighted Ilyas said. He also indicated that efforts to bring a gynecologist and a pediatric are underway as Hulhumeedhoo people faces lot of difficulties travelling Hithadhoo to see these special doctors.
As emphasized by Ilyas, everyone must listen to the promises made by all the candidates and evaluate the credibility of them before clinging on to vote a particular candidate.

hi mamoo, meedoo mohamdaa, moya nasira, bigaru hasanage basdeegathume baynun iletta(ilyas) a behaygothun.
MDP meehunah kureveyne hama ekkamehves nei. kureveyne haa ves kamakee website thah block kurun goo rundi addu sheikh dr.abdul majeedhu abdhul baaaree lavv. dhen la la laaa
Please write some thing productive
Konmi vaahakaah dhekkiyas afirin enmenas mehei dhuvahah keymun ai mikahalei magaamuthakah beynumee gaabilu zuvaanun naau. dhen miko gaabilu zuvaanakaa kurimathileemei ekan gaboolunivegen thehiganee ken vee..?
kalo hageegathakee thamen enmenah teiyas Dr. Abdull Majeed Abdull Bari mulhu vey heh. mikamah muva naasiraas hekivey heh.
Ilyas fiyavai thamen thebenaa candidate akee keyyah...? kalomeney zaathee viyas they dhen bondovaro...?!!!
zaatheeviyas massala eh neh..ilyas non meehaku dhakkabala..sandhaanu a kurevenee kon kameh..eyraku onna verikamakaa dhekeolhuvaan ekani ingenee..hameed ah kureveynee kon kameh..dhen thibi candidate ah kureveyne kameh ekaku ves dhakka bala..aharemen hama beynumee zuvaan qaabilu meehun..go ilyas..we will vote for you..
illi, we are with you..you have our support.some people just jealous because there is no one candidate other than you who is going to make our island a better one.some people are jealous because you have money and they cant stop cpmparing you to lolly jabir.but not everyone is lolly jabir.they dont understand the word democracy. and they think within seconds everything should be cahnged. and no one here knows the meaning of time.because when they were born they were matured.for them it didnt take time. think people..everything thing takes time and days change to night.in between comes noon,evening..so people realise how time is important and this new government is in favour of all the people of maldives.it is not easy to clean all the mess made 30yrs regime..vote for ilyas for a better hulhudhoo.
well..i am jelous with Ilyas becz he got money and he never and his family never knew that there were poor people in hulhudhoo who needs their help and refering to the past what have Ilyas and his family and his business and his money done to Hulhudhuans? even a single penny? i still remember a Family of hulhudhoo who wanted to go to india for medical, and they asked ilyas directly if he could give a financial aid.. the answer was i will look into it and he forgot that.. if ilyas can promise to have Hera taken upto a resort.. i don think it goin to be possible ever? becz the day after he gets elected he will forget about all of you!! ALL HULHUDHUANS.. ilyas is young and he might have the education, but how would he bring an END to the illegal smuggling of drugs? even the worlds top people havnt found a way to that end...!!.. how can ilyas find that? i suppose by doing some magic? and from where this gynecologist and pediatric coming from? even right now the goverment is in deep shit for giving salaries to teachers who are teaching to our children and how can goverment help us by sending doctors to our island? the goverment will remain the same, everything will remain the same... nothing will change and your minds also willl remain conjested..i will not vote anyone .. because none of them will go and be present for each and every single day at the majlis..oh by the way with the crisis facing up on the economy and yet to affect our nation, NO WAY ILYAS CAN REDUCE unemployment...
(..i will not vote anyone ..) ragalgu meehenoon. thaakun thaaku nujehey. Dhen vote nulaameehaku konhaa beykaaru vaahaka eh thi dhakanee? Madhun idhebala vaagothe balaalan.Thikahala thaakun thaaku nujehey meehunge vaahaka hulhumeedho meehun gabooleh nukuraane. Adhi hulhumeedhoo meehunaka nei vaguthe thikahala beykaaru vaahaka adhu ahaaka. Hulhumeedhoo meehun beynun vanee island kuri aruvan alhugadha egifa oi gothugai hulhumeedhoo gina meehun mihaarves gabool kurey ekantha enme ragalha kodeveynee ILYAAS LABEEB ah kan.
Aslu Alhu gadhu ulhunee dhen mivahaaka nubunan ekam dhen nuhurevunee nubune
Ehen noon vaane ILyaas is the best viyaa
Reshuge Zuvaanun Adhi Umurun dhuvas v meehun ves beynun vanee ILYAAS hovan viyaa
I asked Ilyas, how confident you can bring a gynecologist to Hulhumeedhu, Ilyas told be me even, before the election. regarding other issue, even Ilyas cannot achieve his vision in full he is trying to work for it, what about other candidates? even they have no guts to come to public and talk? so I think the only hope we have is Ilyas
Hadhaan nethigen Adhi 1 vaahaka nubunevuney
ILYAAS adhi ILYAAS ge campain team Adhi ILYAAS ah suport Kuraameenah saabas dhen.
Alhugahdakeevs kithanme dhurugaa hutas thi campain team adhi thi suport kuraamehunge therein ekaku
Illi comon u wl win the election
ey somebody pls tell me, Ilyas kihineththa resort eh hadhan e ulhenee? bidakah noontha dhaanee? Anyway, Im just curious.
well, i wouldn't vote for someone who prioritizes "quality" dental care like its on top of the list for an island that runs out of penadol syrup, syringes, the very basic medication or even doctors to begin with. Perhaps Ilyas is too young and has no experience to comprehend the sheer reality, the magnitude of the various problems we face every waking day. Im talking about the many times it gets life-threatening for our selves for our loved ones - for our sons and daughters living in Hulhumeedhoo- AND i promise, - what goes around in our minds during those times, is NOT whether to get a tooth polish or not. The problems we face with our families.... Oh well, why am i even talking about the problems for our families and for our kids, for Ilyas hasnt even started one for himself to understand what its like
I wonder why everyone always talking about Ilyas, hospitals, resorts, employment etc his vision, where is the other candidates? Now I belive Ilyas has got attention of Hulhumeedhu public, it seems this guy will win, I am sad but what to do
You are sad but wat to do?
Hadhan v gothe bunantha?
Ilyaas ah gos vote dhee
Bala Maumoon Raiyathun deykli kahal Huvafeyn Ilayaas Ves daakn Feshytah, Hithaa Deykola nama ves Gabool Kuran jehey hagee gatahkee Addua aakee Fathuruverikamugey Manzilaka heydeyney tahaney noonkan. Bal Ilyaas Thikahala Moya vaahak nudakaathi. Thee RAshuga uley meehun hadaalan.Balga ilyaasumenee thibunaa haa hiyvarey huri baeynoon,. Miadhu amila eydhumey othyma Thikahal bodey vaaahka thihira geyn dakany. Gabool kuran fasyha konmevesy eyhn Project gey vaahak nikan daka bal. eyrun mI sikudithaka ves Gaboolu kureveny.
nikan rangalha balaalaba kan kurevey meehun, mihaaruves herethera vazeefaa ah meehun e vadhanee ibrahim zahid. ilyas ah kurevey kameh dhakkaba?
It's so obvious that Ilyas is the no1 candidate,as every one can see from the comments,hulumeedhuans love this guy......
to Anonymous who said...
"I wonder why everyones always talking about Ilyas and so this guy will win"
I'll tell you why.It is perhaps to express how silly, absurd , outrageous and ridiculous that we think of the idea of electing a kid with no experience.People dont always talk more about things that are actually good. Infact people talk more when things are bad for them. It has always been like that. For instance you would find yourself gossiping about the murder or the violence rather than a good deed someone has done.
So, there, that is where you might get your judgment wrong. But then again, if you are to use the same basis , then i suggest , that might mean hes the worst or the most ridiculous choice for us in deed.
Dhen blaa eh noon muskulhive kothalhuge varu dhoo v ma kona menbarukame kuraaka geyga thibe bala. Aharumen Zuvaanun beynun vanee aharumen kahala zuvaan kama gaabil meehaku hovan n that is ILyaas Labeeb. Adhives mibalanee kothalhu varu dhoove kakoomacha gudhu v maves zuvaan hatharu fas kudhina laari kolhe dheegen majleeha dhaan.Dhen thihen noolhe adhives dhaan oi thane eba oikan dhanegen ragalha ulhebala. Meehaka ragalhu gothe v ma J vegen noolhe hama jehilaigen ulhen jehey gotha ulhen veje eh noon.
Aslu vaagothey meehaa umurun dhuvas v ma jeheyne ey ahrumen zuvaanun muskulhins visnaadhen coz eh meehunaka ragalhaka nuvisneyene
Ilyaas noon Hurihaa candideytuna
Coz hurihaa enemen bunanee ilyaas akee kudhakujekey ehen v ma dhen ilyaas noone thibeynee muskulhin
Aharumen beynun vanee Zuvaan candidate ILYAAS LABEEB
Mee Zuvaanunge blod so eves candidate zuvaanun ge blod aa kulhen nahadhaathi faharega muskulhi v dhuvahu dhera kotheves vedhaane. Dharin rulhi aisgen muskulhi parentun gedhorun nerelaahen zuvaanun vegen muskulhi candideytun rashun baalaa hisaaba ves gosdhaane
kiyaane echcheh netheema thaakun thaaku nujehey vaahaka dhekkenee dho?
where in the world do u find many 28-29 year olds in the parliament? thats what we are talking about here. Facts and logic it shall be.- not some baseless filth is what we support for.
With what youve said, you seem to be having a wild fantasy in your own head . So get over it, its gross too.
well..maldives is not like any other place in this world..its different..and we dont have to have a parliament like other countries who have ful of oldies..this is Maldives and we are small in number and we dont have that many oldies who have the educational backround.and it is important..we dont need just anyone who can shout..we need someone who can talk and who can make our voices heard in the parliament..make your choice ilyas.because he is the only one who can do it..he is the only one who will make our voice heard in the parliament..
vote for ilyas
ilyas's one of the vision is reducing unmarried people.
mamshooq ,
koba ekala moya nasira, bigaru hasana adi meedhu muhamada ge interview e ilyas a behaygothun live ko namaves fonuva deebala.
airtime sponsor by me......
anni ge auwanun
did i jus notice that the supporters of ilyas are so less educated that they can onli talk in dhivehi and reply in dhivehi for comments which are made in pure english? ye ye Ilyas can reduce the unmarried people by marrying himself to the divorced becz he got the money..... a man who hasnt seen his island for several years and now all of a suddden coming into the community and sayin i am an angel sent by GOD for hulhumeedhuans? you guys are young, energetic, but i am too... just 25.. what is the difference between u an me in this voting? the diff is that u are going to drop your future into a burning fire an am not.. you drop it and u will suffer... i wont...an zaahid can get as many people as he can to herethere .. yeh so the simple reason of geting the votes.. and after the votes those employess will be suffering from the unpaid wages and termination of their jobs.. Jaabiru is spending 1.8 million for Zaahid...to buy people and i tell you hulhudhuans you all are going to be bought as like slaves were bought in olden days... i didn forget that ilyas, zaahid and these people who got money aiant giving their hands to poor so that they can easily buy people when they need them... idiots...and little boy ilyas doesnt even know where he is up to? my friend took a comp to megachip day before yesterday and he was told to leave the comp and come into ilyas's office inside... where he was given a new laptop and a list of people he should get votes from... wow laptop for 30 votes.. why buy it when u have the support?? thats my mega question...can ilyas answer that? can he? i bet a million he cant becz he himself believe that he havnt got votes as many as the others got...cheers and vote for a better hulhumeedhoo if you wan one... nto with a little boy.. may be he might be helpful in the majlis to get the electronics fixed.. sometime we see them facin problems with the voting networks and so on.. if thats what you wan ilyas to do then go ahead and lift him to the skywards... cheers..!!!
oh an by the way i forgot to tell you all who are the possible candates... Dr Afeef, Moosa Fathuhy, Ibrahim Hameed, Abdul Haadhy... .. these are people who did things for our islands.... vote one of them guyss...
keevvetha komme meehaku anonymous jahaafa maa fuppa fuppaafa faadu faaduge comment kuranee ...thiha kerenya amilla namuga kaakukan emmenahvves ingey gothah liyan veenu ..dhen maa ingireysiah molhu kamah dhauvaa kuraa meehaage ves evves fenvareh neiy kan ingey ekkoh kiyaaleema ...we r proud to be Maldivian and proud ,,e thakolhu kaleyah understand nuvedhaane thee ingireysin liunee ...thihen feli feli thibbaa hama hoveynee ilyaas mifaharu..kaley beynumas kalyakah lap top ehves nudheveyne ennu dhoo kaley athuga eves neiy viyya dhooo...
kaleymen kaleymenge vote dholangakah laigen gannaane ba kiyamun dhaan veenu dho ...emme bodu agu kiyaa meehaayah vikkalan ...laariey ,vote vikkumey kiyaa iru hithakah naara dho vote mee koacheh kan heekuraa kahala mee libifa oiy bodu maaa vahareh hen ....haadha naa thahuzeebu aalaathun ulhey hisaabekey dho ..all this time i thought addu attol is the most civilized atoll in Maldives...
for ur information..for commenting, it doesnt need personel identity as far as comments serves for the purpose and constructive either way for criticism or supporting.
fayaz ka ilyas aka ahmed a ka aharemen bire nuganey. kantha kura gothuge vahaka dakkanee. kon fuppume fuppaka. ilyas ge megachip fiharathakuga ya show room thakuya family thereyga kokomen , baybemen ge anbin firin ebathibi ilyas a vote nulane meehun. then lalalaa lalala. then kon vote kay thikiyanee.
ilyas ismehela rai resortaka hadafa shakeebuge maguga beachkaree city hotel e ammilla gothun alhane. adhi huludhoo meedhu gulhay hisabuga yatch marina a ves hadaa. adhi ilyas boma fannun thane hikkaigen ves city hotel hadaa. eirun vazeefa annane gaygea avahaha vazeefa kaaria annanshay kiyamun. ma mihiree kiyamun kiyamun laari tha ves container container gaygea daanee.
hovanamay hovanamay
illetta hovanamay...
konme meehaka dhe(2) vote deegen
namaves mifaharu
hovanamay hovanamay...
illettaa hovanamay.
raagu: dhon mooooo
lava kiyanee: azabazaa rani group
lhen: salafee