Crooked mystery-history answers

Twisting, shuffling and swapping of employees for political and financial benefits are a practice exercised by some of the hotels in Maldives for decades. There is no labour law that protects labour rights in the country. Hoteliers and business men are well aware of these loop holes in the constitution of the nation and they utilize it as and when they want it.
Working at Herathera is more than a dream for Hulhumeedhoo people and those who secured jobs from Herathera recently must be grateful for the management of the hotel. As unemployment is one of the key factors affecting rise in crimes and social unrest within the society, fall in unemployment would surely contribute to harmony and spread of peace. However, infringing the rights of those staffs sacked on January 2009 might overshadow the reputation of Herathera management as we are still experiencing the adverse affects of global economic crisis.
Employing more staffs to Herathera, at a time when most of the companies are adhering to ‘redundancy’ as a policy to economize, is disputable. Some people believe that the current strategy of taking more of Hulhumeedhoo staffs up in Herathera is politically motivated. Mr. Ibrahim Zahid, who is a close ally of Yacht Tours Managing Director Mr. Jabir Abdulla, is reportedly contesting for Hulhumeedhoo constituency. Perhaps this could be the sole reason behind hiring more and more people from Hulhumeedhoo towards constitutional election.
Indeed this is a very important and inevitable move by the management of Herathera though. And it would have been much better if the eight employees, sacked due to the preceding economic crisis last January, were brought back to their positions accordingly.

seems the writer is so concerned about ibrahim zahid contesting for the electin. in the sense tht politics is a darty game, evrybody would work and act for their own interest. let we put their own intersts aside and think of the developments they will bring to us? offering job opportunities to hulhumeedhuans might be motive to tht people would vote zahid and its a reality tht we get employed.
to motivate hulhumeedhuan tht ilyas will try "Hera" to develop as a resort is only a dream which many doubt will become a reality.
Jabir herethere in hulhumeedhoo ge 2000 meehunah job dhinas ZAAHID akah voteh nudheveyne.Esoru [ZAAHID]akee test paperu vagah nagaigen ves grade 7 kun machchah nukiyevunu soreh.ZAAHID resortah gosgen lhiyanu saeed aai dhemeehun vegen CLUB VACANZEE dhavaalaigen faisaa vagah nagaigen laarikolheh libuneema heevanee maves miee maabodu meehehhen.Fadaboibala zaahid AHARENMIEE[HULHUDHOOGE HARUADU]
kaley thee hulhudhooge foake noontha?
Please stop using filthy and abusive words to suppress each other, your comments are important hence start making constructive comments.
It,s ashame for those who have higher pass then Zaahid is usin such.........low level.words........
votu nilibey he - herethere managmentai gulhifei vey eves mee hakaa kah.... .. hau dhahai nibai koshey hedhi Hulhudhoo meehun naai dheythere the DHIYAANAA ge LOLEE YTM in.... adhi hadhaa ninethei ye kalo men ney afirin ....
this is a veri intresting story... looking forward to here abt more on Zahidh's campain,,,
university degree is not a deciding factor to elect for majlis. a person who has good manner and conduct with high determintion to serve the people is more eligible than a degree. the person who knows the rights of individuals and a comunity as a whole is also more capable than a person who merely holds a degree. a person who has been working for the rights of people and the country is much more capable and has more experiance than a person who holds a specific degree.