
New Line boat rescued after running aground seashore

New Line boat which ran aground seashore 200 meters west of Hulhudhoo jetty yesterday afternoon around 3:15pm, was rescued around 4:00am today. The boat was heading towards Feydhoo for departure to Male’ when it ran seashore. Yesterday’s journey was its first after a lengthy break for renovation and improvements.

The reason for New Line running ashore is not know, however an eyewitness near the disaster suspected that it occurred due to a mechanical malfunction. “Steering system had failed and captain lost control over the vessel” said an eyewitness. Further he justified said that sea was very calm and that there was absolutely no wind.

Crew of New Line tried to recue the vessel as it ran aground seashore and many residents joined the rescue efforts latter. All of their communal efforts went in vein leaving the boat stranded. “How can you pull the vessel, it is fully loaded; unload few and wait for high tide” suggested a local.

The vessel was finally rescued around 4:00 on Sunday morning. Many people had helped in the rescue operation that lasted for four hours.

New Line is one of the two cargo boats operating between Hulhudhoo and Male’. It has returned to its operation after renovation. Another vessel, Speed Boat is also undergoing major renovation works.

Posted by Hulhudhoo Today on 12:22 PM. Filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

2 comments for "New Line boat rescued after running aground seashore"

  1. Is this a news ....Abbey

  2. It is kinda good that this tragic incident did not happen too long into the trip, deep into ocean. One would not know what could have been and the disaster it would have wrought. It simply calls for better preparedness on the part of owner and periodic inspection of these timber-made ships. It reminds me of our local proverb “Rakkaave thibiyya dhathureh”!

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