Nationwide campaigns against Yautch Tours have been called for.
Following the recent staff uprising in Handhufushi calling for the release of three months service charges and three months’ salary for foreign staffs, shocked all the stakeholders of the public limited company and the nation. According to reliable sources within Handhufushi few of the Maldivian staffs still haven’t received their salary for the month of December 2008, whilst desperate and distracted forty foreign nationals have submitted their resignation letter to the HR yesterday.
A petition boycotting the mismanagement and subsequent social unrest within Handhufushi is underway in Addu Atoll and Male’. Mr. Jaufar Shah, brave and determined, became the victim of the current petition that kicked off last week with the help of Mohamed Azleen and Ahmed Azleem. His dismissal is unfair according to the labour law and the criteria for resort staff termination policy.
Within last Thursday, Mr. Jaufar Shah was able to obtain approximately 150 signatures from Hulhudhoo, apart from those signed inside Handhufushi. He assigned two men from Hulhudhoo for the job, who made a deal with an executive staff at Handhufushi. These two people reportedly have sold the petition to him for a bottle of ‘Bacardi’ and Mrf500. However, the determination to pursue the same petition strengthened further with this wicked attempt by Handhufushi Management to cover up their wrong doings.
Many sinful and socially indecent activities that are persistent in Handhufushi have reached to a worrying stage. Drinks are made available to everyone in the hotel, be it Maldivian or Foreigner. Young girls from all over the country are brought to the hotel for partying. “Senior Management and executives are all ways on high and committing to all sinful activities. Do you think a resort can function like this?” questioned a frustrated and infuriated staff. On New Year night, the managing director of the hotel whilst on high on drinks shouted, “All the old bloody bastards from Hulhumeedhoo will be terminated”.
He should be ashamed to say a word against to the people of Addu and Hulhumeedhoo in particular. Local retailers have stopped supplying goods to Handhufushi for not making any payment since last October 2008. Shortage of food and vegetable within the hotel are the another issue. “I took lemon from home every day for a week to make special food for my guests. Nothing is available within resort. There is no one to look after what is happening in the resort. Even we don’t get proper food now” a staff explained the situation. Fishermen, farmers, other food suppliers are longing to receive money for the goods they have supplied, yet Mr. Jabir dares to shout at our people. Opening of the tourist resort here has brought melancholy to the hearts and minds to the people of Addu.
For these reasons, entire Addu is calling for a strike to protect and prevent tourism in Addu. With Yautch Tours, we travelled far ahead towards economic downturn and wider room for social problems. We believe this need to be stopped immediately. The government has proclaimed better living conditions and ‘fair ruling’ to the people. Therefore, we also ask the government to reconsider its decision to lease Herathera to Yautch Tours, who have failed to pay three months rent to the government though.

alhugadu hulhudhoo meedhooge lobuvethi hurihaa rah'yathuna nnah miadhumi govaalanee hahgu hoadhan enmen ekee athukuri olhaalaigen thedhuvamaa higaashey.. vaki rashakah veethee rahvanthakan dhookohlaashey.. mee alhugadumen enmenge ves musthagubaley... alhugadumen enmen nahves iguthisaadhee faaidhaa kuraaneee herathera resort ah enoon ehn gotheh fenigen ney... miadhu alhugadumen ekuveri nuvehjenama maa dhamaa alhugaduven vaane nikamethi visnamaa higaashey... kalaage raskan fulhah takaa minun gotheh alhugadumenge 2 rashuge rahyathun nah dhakavaathoa dhuaa kuraa haalu enmen ekah cheh kiyaa mi an-na hukuru dhuvahu mikanthah nin maalumah higashey...aaameeennnn === KARUKEHI ADHUREY ===
Azaa, it seems the MTDC and the other relevant agenices are taking the matter very seriously and are acting up on it.Their collective effort is to take Herethere back from Jabir asap for breaching the contract. So I strongly believe things have started moving to the right direction in restoring Herethere and it's future.