Swimming trail to mark International Woman’s Day in Hulhudhoo
The unfinished channel between Hulhudhoo and Herathera has become the ‘new artificial beach’ for many Hulhudhooans keen on maintaining their fitness and shaping their body. Everyday a number of women, as old as fifteen to fifty, gather in this historic place for swimming and enjoying a free time in their usual daily busy schedule. Yesterday evening a swimming trail was held by Hulhudhoo Womens Development Committee (HWDC) to mark international womens day. “There will be a ‘family evening’ on Friday at Hulhudhoo football ground, as part of the celebrations of International Womens Day. As Womens day fall on a weekday we planned to pre-celebrate” said Ms. Nazhath Shafeeq, the president of HWDC.
Speaking about the significance of the trail Ms. Nazhath Shafeeq said that it was very important for the swimmers to assess where they stand today. “Such a trial, from time to time, would encourage the swimmers and attract more people for swimming” said Nazhath.
The trial was broken down into two categories, twenty meter free style and 4 X 30 meter relay. Ms. Aminath Manike, Hikiunimaage, S.Hulhudhoo won the free style swimming where as team led by Mariyam Razana took the lead in the trial. Ms. Aminath Manike has participated in two of the swimming trials conducted by Hulhudhoo School.
Swimming is a good exercise. It involves the use of almost all the muscles required for movement, without the weight of your body pounding you with each move like when you are walking or running. As water resistance is greater than air, the muscles have to work harder. Regular swimming would build your muscle strength, endurance and cardio-vascular fitness. It would improve the body’s use of oxygen and increase lung function. Swimming also stimulates circulation, promotes proper breathing, burn calories and combats the aging process. On the other hand swimming develops a positive mental attitude and higher self-esteem.