Ilyas Labeeb’s official campaign website launched at MES School

“We are backing Ilyas Labeeb’s candidacy for he is the best and only candidate worth winning the seat, considering his capacity and credibility”, Mr. Amjad (Amoo), a prominent MDP member justified. He referred Ilyas Labeeb as the ‘youngest and most potential’ candidate. Further he stressed “the main concern of the remaining candidates is Ilays Labeeb’s age, which is absolutely baseless and illogical, for they know he is the leading contestant on the ground”.
Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture Dr. Ibrahim Didi highlighted some of the key motives for his decision to accept Ilyas Labeeb entry into MDP initially. “We cannot accept membership of an individual to our party just like that today, we verify his creditworthiness and make researches on his track records” said Dr. Didi. As per Didi, Ilyas Labeeb had qualified to be a member of MDP, which was the foremost reason why he is supporting Ilyas Labeeb. He also highlighted the worrying factor of rest of the candidates as his positive motive for standing behind Ilyas. “I don’t see a bright future without educated, young and versatile candidate like Ilyas” added Dr. Didi. He said he is committed to back Ilyas Labeeb’s candidacy.
Mr. Ahmed Azleem drew attention to some of the serious issues faced by Hulhumeedhoo today. He described Hulhumeedhoo as a “desert” due to continuing mass migration to Male’ and elsewhere in the world in search of proper education and health care. He blamed on the previous government for poor public infrastructure and subsequent affects of it in Hulhumeedhoo. Finally he urged Ilyas Labeeb, who had been endorsed by him, to take those issues to the present administration and to find a lasting solution at his earliest.
Ilyas Labeeb then came on stage and electrified the audience with words of hope and quote as saying “if you people elects me”. He said, “according to him, any candidate sitting in the constitutional assembly should not be restricted to his or her constituency only, rather he or she must be working for the well being of the nation too”. He tackled with the accusation of the opposition candidates as well. “Age is not a decisive factor for winning the seat if your belief is still like of those 1970s, so I invite other candidates to come for a debate with me on a stage like this if they dare”, replied Ilyas Labeeb. Indeed, he was very delighted with the huge response he has been receiving from Hulhumeedhoo people and thanked everyone for their love and care for him. Mr. Mamshooq delivered word of thanks for everyone on behalf of Ilyas Labeeb and his campaign team.

hijura kurane meehun ilyas nun bigaru hasana hoviyas. ekame nuhuteyne. ehen nama deenuga ves hijura kurun hudda e nuvane..,.
thikahala bogalhi amilla edhun bodu ilyas men hovaifiyya vane goi eba fenay miharu....
bodu balae dont vote himmmmmm pleaseeeeeeeeeeee.
Ilyas thi dhakkaa vaahakaige evves barudhaneh neh. Ilyas thibunanee thimanyey rashugai huree. bala Ilyas rashah aigen thi ulhenee hama midhaakah dhuvahu, mikamakaa jehunufahun. kurin ilyas ves annanee hama holiday hadhan aharaku effaharu.
fisari kerigen, hivarai azum huri kan iharey MDP jalsaa ge vahaka dekkumun engunu.
hulhudhu meehege haisiyathun ladhun halaku nuvee kiriyaaa.
miharun feshigen vidaalhuvan fashaifi , then visnala vanegoi........
vote dhinumuge kurin visanalaaa......
hulhu meehe
azleem ge anhenun india a hijura kuree rajein nukiyevigen midiya sarukaaru kufoo hamanuvathee thoche.! hulhudhu meehun male a enee hulhudhu ol e hama nikiyevayhedhiyaa. mulhu vahaka dakanee. maragalhanun azuleem hulhudhu meehun ge haguga nikutheema. eirun ma vote daynamo.
Azleem akee varah hivaru gadha zuvvane. Hulhudhoo ge kurierumah varah masakaikuraa zuvaaneh. Mifaharu azleem kurimathi laanveenun. ma vote dheynan.
Dhen jeyvegen konmi vaahakaa dhekiyas mifaharo hama ilyaas hoveynei. Adhi hovaashumaa
Fadhu faadhi vahaka dhakaa meehun thibey jeheynei hama faadhu faadhi vaahaka dhakaa faadhaka aga aruvagen
"AT Done"
haadha j vaa meehun gina ey dho ...ekamaku ves mifaharu hoveynee hama Ilyas j vaa meehun j veyvey thiben jeheynee....
he (ILYAS LABEEB )is simply the BEST candidate
This is all 'tricks' by MDP leardership.Who made Dr.DD a politician.Dentists should be on their bench to do their job.They should not be in Fishing.Look at what he said when he took office.'Masveringe hurihaa takuleefeh 4 weeks ga hama jahsaifeemey'.Now all these Masverin are 'varah kanboduvefa'.Baanaa mas adives nukirey.Nuvitaakah mulhitanuga hus corruption.The question is can we accept such an ignorant Party candidate.People has to decide.I have decided.Im not voting Ilyas.Let him run his business.He has sho shared a single penny with an ordinary man to 'empower' people.