Ilyas Labeeb vows to contribute his support to ‘Dimish Kara’ development.
Ilyas Labeeb has publically stated that he would facilitate means and ways to help ‘Dimish Kara’ (DK) achieve its goals set for development. He said this in the grand opening ceremony of Ilyas Labeeb’s campaign Harage at “DK Usfasgado” last night. “I will facilitate and assist you develop your park which has become quite significant for the people of DK momentarily” Ilyas said. DK Park is being developed east to the Beach House by its people. Further he acknowledged the requirement of DK people to make a new road that would connect them to the mainland and highlighted his role in current road making process. On the other hand Ms. Aminath Nafiza accepted two volley ball gifted to them by Ilyas.
Even though the reception was meant for DK, few people from other parts of the island and Meedhoo participated in the event. “As the three campaign sites have now been officially launched in Hulhudhoo, Ilyas Labeeb’s campaign sites in Meedhoo will be formally instigated somewhere in March 2009”, Mr. Mamshooq stated, a senior Ilyas Labeeb’s campaign team member. He thanked the people on behalf of campaign team for attending the reception and quoted that it was not necessary for them to be a supporter of Ilyas to attend these sorts of gathering but listening to his words mattered much more.
Mr. Ahmed Zareer, Ilyas Labeeb’s campaign manager, drew attention on one major advantage of Ilyas Labeeb, his ‘age’. His age has become the daily “manthara” for the rest of the candidates to promote their candidacy. “Any man or woman who turns eighteen is eligible for close engagement in politics everywhere in the world today, unless he or she fails to meet the required conditions” said Ahmed Zareer. He also said that anyone who turns sixty five must retire and let the younger generation take the responsibility of taking the nation to attain new heights.
As campaign for Ilyas Labeeb continues, more and more gatherings are planned ahead systematically. For now, Ilyas Labeeb is the favourite to win the seat of Hulhumeedhoo given the unpredictable response he and hsi campaign team are recieving both at home and in Male'. View Photos.

it will be much happier if the rich guys in hulhudhoo help for the develeopment of island in sustainable way rather than only at certain time for the benefit of gaining an advantage of something. ilyas is holding gatherings and offering helping hands for the sake of getting votes isnt it? where on earth he was all these days. does not he possess the same wealth before?
wats ur point dude....wat about others y r u talking only about Ilyas?
can u show anything done for our island by Massood,Hameed,Ahmed Didi,Hilmy & any of the rest of the so called candidates,,,
Komme meehakahves liyaane echeh liyevidhaane.Ekamaku hadhaan kuranvee echakee Ilyas Labeeb akee Hulhumeedhooge godiah No.One kan.Adhi ehmme thauleemee zuvaanaakan.Hamaeaaek Hulhudhoo ge Kamuvoshigenvaa aailaa ehge beyfulhehkan. ALHUGADAKEE HULHUDHOO MEEHEH.
kame baynun veema emmen ves dhuvane. may mahun feshigen thigein meehege family rashun fenijeyyaaa anni president kamun isthiufa dhayne. hulhudhooomeedua hidhumai kura meehaku hovanama moosa hovaaa
gadiya eya hovanee kenkeraa. mikalas amilla faidhaa masakka kera meeha thebenaa moosa akee. huri majoosee kan balaalabal mi moosa ge, emme furathamaves buny raiyyithuney kalemenna ma 50% income comme mahaku dheynamey (aneh 50% ma invest kollaneeye kuriyah oh 5 aharashey, SBI hithdhoon loaneh naga, ithuru dhethin luanch gannaanee yo)mikahala amilla edhumun furigenvaa meehun memberkamey kiyaafa aga hulhuvaa ladhakas nigani dhee
ti hidumatah balaa kamahvanna illyas ves hama htdumah eba dey denoo den lalalalallalallallalalallaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ilyas kihai ragalha sikhee marukaza dental samanu hadiya kuranee. then dhuvas kolhakun anagane hurihaa emmen daikolhu ufuralashay eirun then vahaka nudekayne nun. ehen hadan vegen e/ ulenee.
alhe keetha vanee ethana kudakudinge doc nun nama anhenunge doc and general meehaka ragalhu nurse in ge hidhumai dhiniyya.
survay e hadafa balabala kitha meehun tho dathuge faruvaa hodan ulenee. rashuga ulhay rayyithun ma happy vane kudakudhin na ragalhu faruva e devaynama. miharu ves bae faharu panadol syrup kolhe ves nulibay faharu ebadhay. yageenay doc Didi ADK in vaga negi ethikolhu havalu kuranee rasha. theegai nuhifathi.............
Hameedh is the only guy who has got a history of serving the island, He was involved in jetty project in 1990's and also many other financial helps and donations to various programs and occasions, Even now He is the main figure behind the on going works in Youth Center.. There are many things like that we can talk about him, And what about others.. We haven't even heard any of them,in the past. And that's reality,the truth and we all accept it even though we don't support hameedh, If we talk about who has got a good history, and then its only Hameedh. no one else.. it's just a survey i did my self..
he has bulit a mosque too.
a factory as well
we all know that he has built a mosque in our island but can u guys(Hameed's Supporters) check the status of that mosque now ....i think since the place was built there is no renovation work doneto the mosque....& where the hell is that factory...& if he has donated anything ask him not to talk about that ok!!!in dhivehi we call that KALA GOVANEE...m i right guys?...dont ask returns from donations..if u want returns u better invest ur money in a bank ...
This goes to the utterly hopeless supporter of Ilyas who made me wonder if he did not have enough reasons to support Ilyas that he ended up saying hes from a “kamuvoshigenvaa aaila:”, Dude??!! Do u belong to the 17th century or what? Because here, in this century, we don’t even know that the word means. Let me tell you something, little darling, when people like you make such comments, it only degrades your candidate in the minds of hulhudhoomeedhuans, because they , hulhudhoomeedhuans are more modern, civilized, and do not support caste based discrimination.Thank you
bodu balae, adhives thi MDP meehuna support keranee hulhudhu meehun. thafirin emmen heijehigen felau. bodu alamatha. mikalas doctor in halhuthalu kureema INdia in doc gennanee.
ehenveema eige manaakee Anni nasheed baynuvenee heu verikan india lanka meehun govaigen kuran vegen kan. 3 vana dhuvahu Teacher in muzahara kureema bangalhu teacher in genes furalane.
meege maanakee hurihaa dhivehi rayyothun refugene ge gothugai ehen rajje aka dasho. then thimmana india lanka bangalhun genesgen anne rajeygai verikan kuranamo. bodu balae MDP meehuna hedhi.
ilyas and MDP alathun bola guguru jahagayfehay ragalhee. mee dhen kon fada kama INdia meehunna rajje vikka higanee. then afirin salama nivayhe. maliku meehungotha alhuvethi vegen vaydeyjehaynei.
wht "kamuvoshigen"? we all are same. we r more civilized than wht u guys assume to be. whether its ilyas, hameed or ny othe body we dont think of "kamuvoshigen vaa aailaa" rather we look for t qualities and how the person have maintaned relationship with the community and wht contributions the community as a whole got from the person.
Re: comment made by Musto
Well, Musto, we actually have checked the status of the mosque. And the fact is since the day it was built in the 1990s it still remains benefiting our beloved locals as of this date. So, is the port, which was developed in the 1990’s, a project that Hameed was actively involved in the management and had significantly contributed funds towards its completion - the port we use as of this date. The same is with the factory that provided significant economic benefits to hulhumeedhoo during its operation. Whats important is he had shown passion for the island and had contributed significantly in bringing several social and economic benefits.
And one more thing, Musto, since you are so interested in depositing your money in a bank and gain returns, you may please go ahead and do it yourself and grow your wealth that way. But don’t call for others to do it. Because there are others who actually have demonstrated social responsibility with the money that had. And that’s whats important to this election- What you deliver to the community.
Rashugai dhiriulhegen, aamdhany hoadhai, aailaa aai eku,ufaaveri, dhulhaheyo dhiriulhumakah ilyas labeeb ah vote ah dhevva..
Thauleem, Sihhee Haalathu, Dhanduverikan, Fathuruverikan, Masverikan, Tharaagee Kurehvumah Ilyas ah Vote dheva..
Unmeedhaa Hihvaaraa Azumaai ekee fisaari kerigen !!!!
Our vote is for Hameed !