Ilyas Labeeb meets with his Meedhoo supporters living in Male’
Ilyas Labeeb met with some of his beloved Meedhoo supporters living in Male’. The gathering, organized by Mr. Ali Shaheem, was held at Salsa Café on fifth of this month. The main objective of the get-together party was to seek support for Ilyas Labeeb’s candidacy for the upcoming parliamentary election. Though Ilyas Labeeb is born to Hulhudhoo parents, he, apart from his profession, has very strong and unbreakable bondages with the people of Meedhoo irrespective of age and family class.
Prominent individuals attended the meeting from Meedhoo. Mr. Fayaz, Deputy Minister of Health, spoke to his natives and quote “we need a candidate who is coming from ruling party and that is Ilyas”. Further, he said that they would work together in the MDP government to bring more developments and prosperity to Hulhudhoo and Meedhoo. Mr. Ali Shaheem, Mr. Ahmed Zareer and Dr. Ibrahim Didi also justified their position to stand by with Ilyas Labeeb.
On the other hand, there was a family gathering at Kalaafaanu School on 30th of January. Hundreds of Ilyas Labeeb’s family members attended the party where everybody was delighted with the way Ilyas is being presented to the people of Hulhumeedhoo. Several members of his family utilized the opportunity to speak in support of his candidacy, revitalizing the family corporation.
Being at the center of attention, Mr. Ilyas Labeeb gave a message to members of his family, “Allow me to represent you in the parliament and watch how I make this government heal the pains of thirty years of suffering you have been through”. He urged everyone to hold on his rope and carry the same message to the people of Hulhumeedhoo. View Photos

Ilyas labeeb is a potential youth who will express our views in the parliament.I am sure we can reach Ilyas any time and will be with us everytime.Bfore we decide to vote to a particular person,we have to anaylise the candiate history, education, relation ship with the community etc.Ali
hmm kaley thibunaa histry aa education vara ragalhu mee he dho veri kamu gaa ves hureee.....
thikahala vaa haka nudha kaaa.
kiyavagen adhi histryee othakas nuvaa ne kan neyge tha kaleya
no to ilyaas
Alhugandu varah hithaama keran Hulhudhooge nikamethi aailaathaki meehun vazeefaan vaki koffei thibi ko, MDP ebahaa 2000 rufiya nilibey kan. Ekamaki mithibi Ali Abdullahi men, shameema men, Thuththu Haajee menna laari libige. Mivey eththaa balafela. mussadhinna laari libeny, nunfehey MDP ah support kera meehunna. Mee aneh raajjeyge sazaa hen heevenee. Ahen fehey MDP meehaka votakas nidheyshumaa afiriya. Nikan aaselau
hushudhogo gaamun afirnge maamaa libene ekamaki kaafaa nilibei balalee ko kaafaa form furafei othee nibaikoh. ethanun benanee enah mahi 2 mahuge aa akkoh libeshiau. thay hama husdhogo fasaadha keraah vegen.
hulhudhoo thebenaa bodunna hedhigen thethibenee ressi edafei thibey meehaa. theverinna amellaah kiyenemei nimenei. verikan kede dhuvasvariyas amellah goathitha kavvagen thebenaa meehun thethibee. evarun nivegen ehen meehuge goathives akalhaa kohga
aslu hageegah haama kuran higaa dhoo,duvas ve meehunnah laari din goh ava varah kaverin dishin mikamuga dimaavegen ulhey kamakee ID kaaduge onna gotah nun bayeh meehunge form furifei tibee,mee alah feshikamah veemei bayeh kahala kantah tebihi ,misaalakah namuge mahsala ya balaakoo,ahmed didi aslukoh key meehun form ga jahaafa otee annmu name ey ahmed mihen vumun bayeh kahala kantahtah fushu araafa huree,ehn kamun mihaaru mikantahtah balamun ebadey denfaharaku ragalhu vaane,aslu mikamakee vaki bayakah ohkameh nun veemaa ehmenah ves libeyne
kehkuran das kuramaaaaa
Hey guys pls dont write in latin, difficut to read, My mom and dad are eligible since their ,monthly income could not reach Rf 2000.00 and there is no source them to fet such amount monthly.My mom already received the social allowance but not dad. Today i called Maldivian National protection Agency and have learned the reason why my dad has missed from the list received to Huludu Office. They said my dad name was not mentioned in the Iqraar form after fingerprint.I call Huldudu Office recheck twice or more before dipatching forms.Huldu office should take the responsibilty of delays.lets talk election...Commissioner of election announced election will be held late May or Early June 2009 so no need to speed up campaign. Hope we can together work and together succed Huludmeedhu seat. Lets do it , lets elect Ilyas Labeeb,If any Young educated youth contest other than Ilyas we may endorse him but no one.So lets aside our plitical disputes and reunite again.We had enough arguments and quarrel when we bring the change, its good for us since we have avoided a bloodshed to get rid of 30 years old corrupted regime.Its very rare in the world to ovethrow such regimes without violence.Our country is a small homegenous society be unite and do something to build the country.dhondheena