Yacht Tours paved way for fresh uprising against themselves!!!
The wicked and unfair dismissal of Hulhumeedhoo staffs working at Herathera Island Resort has started backfiring the current management heavily and deadly. Yesterday itself, two very prominent and vital senior staffs were terminated contradictory to the staff termination policy stipulated in legislation. Ms. Nafiza and Mr. Nahid both being supervisors of Accounts Department, were told their dismissal were based on meeting the shortfall of revenue due to global economic crisis. Today we recieved reports that another key figure, Mr. Shaafy Ali has been dismissed unfairly without giving any prior notice. The serial “redundancy” as they call, strictly targeted to Hulhumeedhoo staffs, has opened many doors to raise voices of concern and distress against the current management in Addu.
Since yesterday, people were calm for they believed things might turn up in their way. Albeit, the immoral management of Herathera are so ruthless that they never think about the awaiting consequences before committing to take wrong decision on sensitive issues. Ms. Nafiza had been working in payables department since the development phase of the hotel. She was very loyal to Yacht Tours despite continued verbal harassment against her own island and people by the General Manager Mr. Ibrahim Rasheed (Roanu Kudeyge Ibbe). Similar are the cases with the two gentle men terminated irrationally. Shaafy had been looking after the Store since Herathera development stage, where as Mr. Nahid, the Receivables in charge was second to none in Accounts Department.
The management of Herathera then took even a sinful decision. They utilized a guy from Hulhudhoo to bolster the leading campaigners of the protest. He, high on alcohol, called to Mr. Azleen (Azky) the vocalist and composer of Ilyas Labeeb's supporters songs, flooded Azky with words of vulgar, and later destroyed the windows of Azky’s home. However, Azky was leading the protest since yesterday, but the protests then be carried out with enormous muscles and sheer resistance by those staffs of Hulhudhoo and Meedhoo who were being terminated unfairly day by day. According to reliable sources, twelve staffs are terminated now and some 47 staffs are yet to be dismissed unfairly. The protesters highloighted the campaign against the Yacht Tours management in Herathera might take a different route and they may have to start an international wide campaign against Yacht Tours. “Our president H.E Mr. Mohamed Nasheed taught the formula of success” they say, “Stand united for you fight against violation of rights, and get hold of the success before fear”. They say the current protest will continue for twelve months; however, they did not mention the frequency and timing of the protests ahead.

jabir, u have to bring a stop of terminating Hulhumeedhoo staff and bring back to work those already have sacked. if not i am going to start a campaign to boycott ur resort.... A hulhudhoo youth residing abroad.
Jabir, Dhiyana, this is not a protet, the real protest is comming... we are getting ready from male. we are prepearing a team from male..when we start this protest we will not allow any tourist to stay herathera under ur managment.
Adi ves addu meehun thibeynee Loly jabira Furusathu dheegeyn tha? Addu Atoll gey eytahkey Raiyathun gey lobi Hodafai vaa Kuree egy Bandaaranaibu Dr.Hassan gey Agu vataaln eyheyra Darani bo uley iruves. nIkan Adu ahaabal 26 jan gey Raiyathun gey Majilis Jaslaa
Eyhn kamun Darini Bop Addu in beyru kuruma eymehaa Raiyathuna Alugadhu Addu gey watahny Dariy ey gey Haisiyathun Govaalan
Vatahee Dari
Jaabiru gey handhufushi bykot kuruma eymehaa Addu Atoll adi haasako Huludhoo Meedhoo riyathun a govaalan . adi haasako Muli Yacht Tours Boykoy kuruma govaalaa Bainal aguvaamee Campainey feshuma Govaalan, Addu gey Fahuru veri eythakey Darin ey gey izathaa karaamatha araiganamun daa mifada bodu Himaarey ge musthagubal addu in fenigen daaka nujehy. mihaaru hith araana Addu meehunkee thiman heekuri vara vurey Heylunteri adi eyhaamey Thaulee baeykan. Thimaa beynuhaa thaaku gadey Nuganevyney kan. Jabiru Adi buna tha nikan Reethi vaahakey, kaley thee Resort Fenuneema Ham hey nethy meehy. Eygey hekaky Dhuniye vaanuvaa negya vara Boigeyn Meehun aa Dimaala Auguraana Govaa eymeehun gey Izatha Arigana thiya uley Nikan hureybal Aharumwengey Dhuvas mihaaru eyeherageyn Kairivany. Kaley heekuree Diyanaa Kotariya vadaalevuneema lakaeykey tha, Thee Adi gos visnumey.
Jabir, keethivaneee. Hama heygatha thi hunnevenee. Noonee echcheh boigen tha? bala Hulhumeedhoo meehun aammukoh addu meehun kaleyge vaahaka dhakkanee konmehen kaleyge vaahaka dhakkaa kasheh noon...kaley thee goneh..kaley ahaabala dhiyaanaa gathu eynayah igenee kihaavareh hen, eyna heekuraakahala eyna aee dhivehinge mamma kama...ladheh nuganey dho? chchiii...
jabir get ready for the BLAST from Hulhumeedu pplz! we will kik ur ass outta herathera :@
it shows tht Jabir is unable to takle with his investments. there is another case going on regarding Vatevarrehaa Island which also belongs to Hulhudhooun. Jabir has to know tht he cant do things his own way after having done agreements with other parties. reports have come out tht Jabir has made forged documents on behalh of island owner and submitted to govt authorities. jabir is always doing these type of silly things to secure his business but how could any thing go right by doing things illigaly?
the himaa raa hee kedei mibalhaa rivethi kamun kamashaa mi dheliburiya hen hishi himaa raa ge vaa haka meehun dhakaneee.....
tha dheliburiya tho benan dhiyaa naa dhakagen ebeedhu tha hin nanethaaki.....tho therashun ery ved vaa kuthaaa...
tha fahaashumaa vara avaha... tho hee nikeraa hethi thashas 30ahrao vey thiko hishe he kama thethani