Unprecedented outrage against the protesters calling Yacht Tours to leave Herathera!
Today will be remembered as “Black Friday” in the history of Hulhumeedhoo. Hundreds of people, men and women, were marching towards the channel that separates Handufushi from Hulhudhoo to accompany and support the protesters, especially staffs who were dismissed unfairly, while the wicked management of Handufushi perpetrated a group of twenty young men from Hulhudhoo to disrupt the serenity of the protest. And they disrupted the protest. Certainly, their evil actions gained even bigger support for the protesters.
Twenty feet behind Star Force personnel kept observing the scene as they were officially invited to monitor the situation for the organizers foresight awaiting fears. Albeit, police did nothing to prevent the peaceful protesters calling for immediate halt on violation of labour rights. “Star force came here to protect Jabir and Yacht Tours at the cost of all these people” chanted a woman.
Ms. Aishath Dhiye, Seltan, S.Hulhudhoo was hit by a member of the mob. They felt absolutely no mercy before beating against their own people for the sake of a thing or two they get from Handufushi management. Mr. Zahid called on Abdul Sameeu and said, “No one can take this island from Yacht Tours, just wait and watch we will win the case”.
Indeed, Handhufushi management did a great job today. Their repeated immorality helped the protesters gain support and unify against their cause. View Photos

Dhen bunan v eh noon mi ee ves bayaku meehun siyaasee benumega raavaigen kuramun dhaa kamekey. Ekam thats nt true. Hulhumeedhoo meehunge hagutha hodhan gos thibimeehun ethibee meehaku bunegen vakimeehaka kame kodheyka noon. Kalhu biloori jehi kaaruga uhey meehun faadhu faadhu vaahaka dhekiyas miadhu hulhumeedhoo meehun gaboole nukuraane.
Aslu konmihen evaahaka bunaaka noon mi coment mi liyan feshee.
Meehaka hadhaan kodheyn adhi aharunves thibikan/Kalhu biloori jehi kaaruga hulhumeedhooga faadhu faadhu vahaka dhakan nuhureveynekan.
Fatuloon baaluvaafa boluga naalhuvanees rashun faibaan ulhey. Ehen noone aharun baaluvaairu maaka reeche nuvaane.
the most surprising thing that we are seeing is despite continued protests the govt is well asleep. let we asleep for MDP candidate for coming mujlis election? i think its time that we should give some lession to this govt. we are protesting is not just for the sake ohers protest. there are many valid reason we continue this. while all thes going on, where are so called independant public complaints buero, human rights commission? are these institutions sleeping coz of we are adduans? it seems this govt is not least concerned about us adduans.
Aharen hamakosvejje M.D.P candidat aai behuneema.Hamabirugathee dhoa?RAGALHAH GORUBOVIFA THIHIREE.
maarundi bondo vey ne kama neh vaa MDP rundiyau kefei....faday birigan na hefehey....
kaloa bunantha, goru bovifaye bunumakun binaakuranivi comment akah nuvaane. masha heevaagothuga mi blog ge adhi aricles liyaa mehuge beinumakah vaanee binaakuranivi comments tha libun.
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