MTDC declares to settle off their payment due for lease of Hulhudhoo land
Maldives Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC) declared to settle off their 24 months controversial due as rent for lease of approximately 666,667 square feet of Hulhudhoo land hired during the Herethere development phase from 2006-2008. Members of the MTDC board Mr. Shaahid Ali and Thorig talking to the Island Development Committee (IDC) last night affirmed the approval for release of payment to Hulhudhoo.
The quest for the payment triggered as Heavy Load (HV) demanded a piece of land from Hulhudhoo last month. The people of Hulhudhoo and IDC were determined not to provide an inch from Hulhudhoo land. Mr. Thorig and Shaahid Ali, who chaired the meeting with the president of IDC Mr. Ahmed Musthafa were astonished as the members of IDC unanimously defied letting land to HL before committing to settle previously hired land by MTDC. “We sacrificed our source of living in the high hope of a better future for our people” Mr. Hassan Saeed justified IDCs stand. He added, “Hulhudhoo harbour was severely damaged by a tug boat during unloading construction materials of all sorts and lots of waste was dumped in Hulhudhoo land hired by MTDC, yet we remained calm for the anticipated prosperous future”. Despite, things went contradictory to the average Adduan’s expectation.
However, papers relating to the lease of 666,667 square feet of land to MTDC were unfolded before the members of MTDC board. They claimed having never seen any of them before. Negligence by the previous administration of Hulhudhoo Office is largely to blame for inadequate negotiations with MTDC despite IDC pressure in almost all the meeting. On the other hand, fault of MTDC was inevitable either. They did not formally sign lease contract with Hulhudhoo Office. Verbal arrangement by Mr. Solih and Mohamed Jameel then, became the divisive quest for sanction of such a huge amount of money for the current MTDC board, who are accountable for their shareholders. However, Mr. Shaahid Ali and Thorig went to the board again with all the available papers drafted on different occasion in the last three years, which resulted in the approval of sanction of the payment.
Finally, IDC and people gathered near the office last night collectively agreed to lease 70,800 square feet of land to HL for the construction of the channel between Hulhudhoo and Herathera. HL has put forward all required papers to the IDC relating to the area they require its usage and rent arrangement for it. This left no room for conflict of interest within the IDC who immediately approved the request.
It is really a good time for Hulhudhooans and all Adduans at large to support MTDC once again to erect its status in the tourism industry in the country. We know the current management is incapable of running the 4km long hotel, which is regarded as the apple of Adduans eye.

Thee Didi gey Hudhu ahaa(Solih) aa Jameel aa deymeehun hadaafa oy Vagu delaey dho
Solhi ashas heevenee mee hulhudhoo akee thimaa hadhaane ahthah hadhaah oh thaan hen.bidi hadhaanei nuneeee
thibunaa solhi akee eh iregga hulhudhoo rayyithakah viyas mihaaru Male' rayyithe. mikaleyge ah keevvebaa hulhudhoo aa behevenee? Hulhudhoo ge medhunna ari ari burikoh koshaa hadhan baaru elhee, fen matheegaves hulhudhoo oiynaathee ekamaa hitha kuraa asarunthoa?