10:44 AM | Posted by Hulhudhoo Today

Ilyas Labeeb is only candidate who speaks from the lips of average Hulhumeedhooan. He is educated and young. He claims his political era has just began. Though he is contesting from the ruling party, he says he will strictly listen to the voices of Hulhudhoo and Meedhoo people. According to him, he would make government more responsible and accountable. Therefor we youth decided to stay side by side with Ilyas. Listen to campaign song by Ilyas' supporters.
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Posted by Hulhudhoo Today
on 10:44 AM. Filed under
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Thi Fake Meehy,
Thikameh neygey...Hulhumeedhooge emme gina rayyithuna gulhenee mihaaruvess Labeebuge futha. Ma vota Ilyas ah libeyhe..100%
it is wrong think tht majority of the seats in majlis shoud go to ruling party. the aim of MDP is to change the new constitution to stay in power like dictator gayoom for which we should not give any room. now also we are seeing many things doing illigaly by MDP led govt. if ilyas want our vote stay as an independant member.
i agree with you. its more like going towards autocracy again. we like ilyas but if he's coming from MDP then me and my family will have to reconsider our votes.
kurin ma hishee Hob ah votaa dheyh nimmagen. ehen feheyas mi koa kurimathi laa meehun ge therin kamah vey meehah ehekas neh Ilyas fiyavai. Emmennashas kommiyas siyaasee vaahaka thakah dhekkiyeyheh. Ma miko vote dheynei emme rashah sarukaaru medhuveri koshas ammilla gothakashas kan koh dhiyeyne meehakaa. vaa. ILYAS ah vote eh
MDP is the ruling party, whether we like it or not. MDP is in power to serve the people. MDP is not corrupt like DRP. Who do you think would benefit if the 5 pledges of MDP are implemented? They surely would need more than a few seats in parliament to get the laws required for the pledges to be implemented. For people to say that MDP is trying to get the majority of the seats to change the consitution is plain stupid. Don't try to twist the facts for your own benefit or for the benfit of the person you support. Vote Ilyas if you want a better future for hulhdhooo meedhoo.
ilyaas kurimathilaa kamugai vanyaamu alugadaai alugaduge aailaa miothee ilyas fahathugai marh fraanayah
Out of all candidates Ilyas is the BEST. Educated, disciplined, broader understanding of current world affairs and of course young and industrious. Go Ilyas. lift these two islands to a new height in the country. I'm voting you.
If this guy is independent candidate, why cant he publicly distance from MDP. Why his name is on MDP endorse list. Looks he dont have any chance on his own credential to be elected on a public office.
He doesn't need that man!!! He deserves the seat of Hulhudhoo/Meedhoo. MDP is doing good enough to make the country prosper, why do you bother. Your granny must be getting old aged allowance from the current administration. Think man.
we cant believe tht ilyas could work with best interest of hulhumeedhuans by winning the seat by MDP ticket. if he doesnt talk with party line he wil face difficult times and and many critizms from the party. this is wht we seeing over the controversial of election two bills. ilyas decision of accepting MDP ticket shows his immaturity to Maldives politics. Ilyas might have to see the decision made by Foah mulah member Modey to resign from Jumoori party and contest as an independant candidate. from the experiance it shows tht independant members have less pressure over the decisions and talks in the majlis. as an example we can take Faafu mamber Mr. Hamza. he vote infavour of leave for members but we dont see much critizm for him over this. i haope ilyas will think about this.
MDP is going to sell our future, while we are sleeping, they are going to borrow money in the name of maldivians to build so called housing projects and they are trying to lease all the islands in maldives for 100 years to handful of people. MDP is headed by bunch of crooks. They dont have any leadership and intellectual capacity to govern. With no time their popularity among common man will go like smoke. People like Ilyas are opportunists with self retread vested interest to gain their own interst.
before MDP we thought we had just one leader that is Maumoon
i call upon all hulhumeedhuans o vote ilyas for the sake of our islands in strengthing and developing by economically, socially and politicaly. the reason is tht he is the person endorsed by ruling party (MDP). if we elect anyone other than ilyas we will be listed as an enemy of this govt and we will face difficulties in getting projects which necessary for developments of our two islands. there is no specific person we should elect from the candidate because all are eligible in my openion. the only reason we should elect ilyas is cox of MDP (ruling party candidate).
Mr. Ilyas,
i'll vote 4 u if u cud answer me these questions!
1.B.What effect does human nature have upon the political system?
2.Is disobedience ever justifiable?
3.Assuming that some type, or types, or freedom are both possible and desirable, what should these be? Should they be limited or unlimited? Who places the limits?
4.Assuming that some type, or types, or equality are both possible and desirable, what should these be? Should they be absolute or relative? If relative, what criteria should be used to establish them? Who establishes the criteria? Who enforces the criteria?
5.Should ties among individuals composing a group form a bond that takes precedence over the needs and wishes of the individual members of the group?
6.Should any individual or group of individuals be able to control, determine, or direct the actions of others?
7.It is usually assumed that justice is desirable, but what is it? Is it individual or social?
And, Who decides the characteristics of justice? Who enforces these characteristics?
8.For what purposes does society or government exist?
And, Who decides these purposes or are they consciously chosen?
9.What is the best or best possible form of government? Why?
And, Are there alternative forms of government that are equally valid? What is the standard of judgement? Who decides?
first of all i want to direct same questions to the person who has posted this. do u really know the exact answers for these questions or does the answers depend on the ground that the person believes politics?
we want peace, progress and prosperity to our people. to meet all these vote for ilyas who is coming up with ruling party ticket.